Top Drug Addiction Treatment Programs

White Sands Treatment Center offers our patients a wide array of treatment programs that support their journey toward recovery and healthy sustainability. Our goal is to provide the necessary tools that will enable the patient to recover from substance abuse and avoid relapse as they begin life anew with purpose and joy.

  1. Medical Detox Treatment
    Patients are given a physical and psychological evaluation before they begin our Inpatient Detox Program. The detox process is designed to slowly wean the patient off of the drugs or alcohol. We provide a safe and effective detox treatment and monitor the patient throughout the process. Treatment includes medications for withdrawal symptoms, psychological distress and disorders. Our medical staff is knowledgeable and compassionate and will safely ease the patient through the detox process.
  2. Psychological Treatments
    Psychological Counseling will educate the patient about addiction to drugs and alcohol and reveal why it has happened to them. Understanding the genetic and psychological components of addiction help the patient uncover the physical and psychological processes that were at work to hold them in bondage to addiction. Once understood, the patient will become equipped with new and healthy thought and behavior strategies to overcome triggers, urges, stress, abuse, negative thinking and cravings.
  3. Co-occurring Disorders
    Addicts often struggle with Co-occurring Mental Disorders such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, schizophrenia, etc. Some addicts take drugs and alcohol to alleviate their mental distress while others develop mental disorders because of their substance abuse. Either way the problem exists and needs to be treated. Individual psychological counseling and pharmaceutical intervention may both be needed to assist the patient in attaining mental stability.
  4. Partial Hospitalization
    The Partial Hospitalization treatment program at White Sands Treatment Center is designed for patients who still need some medical monitoring. Candidates for this program must have a safe and supportive home environment and be able to attend and fully participate with inpatients at the Center. The patient attends the Center for 3 to 5 days per week for up to 6 hours per day as an outpatient.
  5. Christian Treatment Program
    The Christian Treatment Program at White Sands Treatment Center is offered as an alternative form of treatment although we do welcome people of every faith and persuasion. This program is available to any patient who has finished the detox program and it includes prayer, interaction with other Christians and church attendance. During psychotherapy, the patient will learn how Christianity empowers them to establish new ways of thinking and behavior as they become a new creation in Christ.
  6. Women’s Program
    The Women’s Treatment Program at White Sands Treatment Center is designed to meet the specific needs of women. Usually women will exhibit more severe addiction symptoms than men and they often suffer from co-occurring mental disorders. Women also suffer from guilt and shame because of their addiction and its subsequent effect on preventing them from fulfilling their expected gender roles as nurturer and mentor within the family.
  7. PTSD
    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating mental illness that often leads to substance abuse as a means of escape. The psychological effects of experiencing traumatic events bring all sorts of chaotic mental and physical disturbances to the victim. PTSD can be caused by war, military combat, severe accidents, natural disasters, sexual or physical abuse, etc. The professional staff at White Sands Treatment Center is well equipped to handle the fragile nature of PTSD patients while dispelling the fear and debilitating symptoms of this disorder.
  8. Family Therapy
    Family Therapy is an important program that addresses the impact that addiction has had on the entire family. Therapy is provided to work through feelings of shame, guilt, hurt, worry, fear and other emotional problems. Healing and strengthening bonds between family members, builds trust, and creates a strong support unit for all family members. Many aspects of addiction are addressed and treated in family therapy.
  9. Smart Recovery
    Smart recovery is a wonderful program that teaches the patient how to maintain the life-long commitment necessary to remain sober. The patient is taught how to self-manage cravings and triggers and avoid slipping back into former destructive behavior patterns. Smart Recovery is a 4-point program that cultivates the patient?s self-motivation while coping with negative emotions, thoughts and behaviors.
  10. Moral Reconation Therapy
    Moral Reconation Therapy is a multi-stage program designed to treat more emotionally distant patients. Its purpose is to strengthen moral reasoning skills to make better choices in the future. The program develops a new moral compass for the patient to live by.

White Sands Treatment Center offers you or your loved one highly effective and research based treatment programs. We provide quality care to our patients and assist them in rebuilding their life. Addiction does not define who you are, you define who you are.

If you or a loved one needs help with abuse and/or treatment, please call the WhiteSands Treatment at (877) 855-3470. Our addiction specialists can assess your recovery needs and help you get the addiction treatment that provides the best chance for your long-term recovery.

About the Author

is a proud alumni member of WhiteSands Treatment. After living a life of chaos, destruction and constant let downs, Mark was able to make a complete turnaround that sparked a new way of life. He is serious about his recovery along with helping others. At WhiteSands Treatment, we offer support to you in your homes or when you are out living in your daily lives.