Methedrine Addiction

Methedrine addiction is serious but rehab can help you or a loved one
Methedrine addiction can cause serious physical and psychological effects in a Methedrine addict. Known scientifically as methamphetamine hydrochloride, the drug is known on the street as meth, crank, crystal, glass, Tina and ice. Methedrine will begin to affect the user within twenty to forty minutes and the effects will remain about four to nine hours. The drug can be smoked or injected and has a strong stimulant effect that cannot be stopped once it has started. Some people use the drug as an appetite suppressant to lose weight, but they can quickly become addicted to the drug and also become malnourished because they stop eating for days at a time.
Methedrine is classified as a Schedule II controlled narcotic making it illegal to have, sell or give away the drug. Methedrine releases high levels of stimulating dopamine into the brain cells, which increases body movement and improves mood. The body can quickly build up a tolerance to the drug and the user will have to increase the dosage or use Methedrine more often. This tolerance may lead to Methedrine addiction and cause many serious health problems. Some of the Methedrine effects that an addict may experience include:
- Severe weight loss
- Insomnia
- Paranoia
- Psychotic episodes
- Depression
- Extreme exhaustion
- Visual and auditory hallucinations
- Malnutrition
- Rapid speech
- Mood swings
- Restlessness
- Respiratory failure
- Gastrointestinal problems
- Fever
- Seizures
- Coma
- Chest pain
- Convulsions
- Muscle spasms
- Heart attack or stroke
Methedrine will increase energy and mental alertness in the user and even help them lose weight, but because of its high risk of addiction and dangerous effects on the user it is not worth experimenting with. The bad definitely outweighs the good when considering Methedrine effects on the body and mind. If anyone asks you “What is Methedrine?” you can respond by telling them it is nothing you ever want to use because it is a very dangerous drug.
According to Michael Seiver, PhD., director of a San Francisco, California outreach for gay men, methamphetamines are highly popular among the gay community. The drug increases risky behavior and the libido which puts many gay men at risk for contracting HIV/AIDS. The heterosexual community also uses Methedrine for sex and with risky behavior it may increase the chances of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Methedrine is a popular sex drug because it is said to increase sexual pleasure, and the user is able to have more sexual stamina while on the drug. The drug may cause users to obsess about sex, engage in more risky sexual behavior and sex acts, and it may also delay orgasm. The drug became popular in California in the 1960’s among heroin addicts. Eventually the motorcycle gang Hell’s Angels started to distribute the drug on the west coast and by the 1980’s the Mexican drug cartels were trafficking the drug.
Methedrine addiction recovery should be treated at a drug rehab center under the supervision of medical professionals experienced in addiction and recovery. The meth addict should be slowly weaned off of the drug while being monitored and assisted with medications to ease withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal is different for every patient but some of the Methedrine withdrawal symptoms that the patient may experience are:
- Fatigue
- Lethargy
- Increased hunger
- Restlessness
- Depression
- Suicidal ideation
- Extreme drug cravings
- Delusions
- Paranoia
- Hallucinations
One of the medications that may help to ease the withdrawal symptoms of depression is Wellbutrin, which is an anti-depressant drug. The drug also seems to reduce drug cravings too. Provigil is another medication that has mild stimulant properties and seems to help with sleep problems while enhancing concentration and increasing energy. Remeron, another medication, affects norepinephrine and serotonin actions in the brain to help prevent a relapse during the withdrawal phase. Theses are just some of the medications that may be used to help the patient get through the detox process more comfortably. The medical staff will keep the patient stable and safe and as comfortable as possible during the withdrawal phase.
If you or a loved one needs help with abuse and/or treatment, please call the WhiteSands Treatment at (877) 855-3470. Our addiction specialists can assess your recovery needs and help you get the addiction treatment that provides the best chance for your long-term recovery.