How Long Do Drugs Stay in Your System?
Wondering how long do drugs stay in your system? Find out how long their present in your system and more
How long do drugs stay in your system? This is a complex question because every drug is diverse and remains in the body for a different period of time. Some drugs stay in the body for a few hours and others for a few days or weeks. But all drugs must be processed in the body before they can be eliminated.
Below is a timeline of specific drugs and their average duration inside the body:
- Benzodiazepines such as Librium, Halcion and Ativan will appear in the urine from 1 to 6 weeks after ingestion.
- Barbiturates such as Amytal, Black Beauties and Nembutal will appear in the urine for 2 to 3 weeks after ingestion.
- Opiates are detectable in urine for 2 to 5 days after use, and can remain in the hair for up to 90 days.
- Benzedrine such as amphetamines and methamphetamines can remain in the urine for 2 to 5 days after ingestion.
- Hash can be detected in the urine from 2 days to 11 weeks after use.
- Codeine can be detected in the urine for 2 to 4 days after use.
- Cannabis can be detected in the urine from 7 to 30 days after use.
- Cocaine can be detected in the urine for up to 4 days after use.
- Heroin can be detected in the urine 3 to 4 days after use.
- LSD can be detected in the urine for 1 to 3 days after use.
- Alcohol can be detected in the urine 3 to 5 days after ingestion.
- MDMA (ecstasy) can be detected in the urine from 3 to 4 days after use.
Drugs can be detected in the body through a blood test, urine and saliva tests, and hair analysis. Drugs usually remain in the bloodstream for the shortest amount of time, and remain in the hair for the longest amount of time. People who have to take drug tests will want to know how to get drugs out of your system quickly and safely. The most common recommendation is flushing the drugs out of the body with water. Some suggest drinking lots of water and going to a sauna or steam room to sweat the drugs out of the body. Some have suggested drinking cranberry juice, but most say it is not effective for removing drugs and that it may alter the ph of your urine.
Drugs have their own unique qualities and each one will react differently in a person’s body, and remain for different amounts of time; so there is no simple answer to the question “how long do drugs stay in your system?” If you are addicted drugs, and want to know how to get clean from drugs – there is one simple answer. That answer is receiving a medically supervised detox process at a drug treatment center. A supervised detox process will safely remove all the offending drugs from your system, plus all the damaging toxins that the drugs created. Each patient experiences the detox process differently depending on the severity of his addiction, plus other factors. You may have some withdrawal symptoms during and after the detox, but the medical staff at the rehab can give you medications that can alleviate drug cravings and other symptoms of withdrawal. The staff at the detox will keep you safe and as comfortable as possible while you complete the detox process; that is how to get clean from drugs.
After asking, how long do drugs stay in your system, and knowing the facts, you know the amount of time it will take for the substances to be out of your system. A popular question asked after detox is, “How do you stay clean?” You stay clean by completing the rehabilitation program to heal, and learn about yourself and your addiction. You will learn how to change your unhealthy thoughts and behavior patterns and be equipped to prevent relapse. You can stay clean from drugs by giving yourself the time and education that a comprehensive drug rehab program provides to get and remain sober and healthy.
If you or a loved one needs help with abuse and/or treatment, please call the WhiteSands Treatment at (877) 855-3470. Our addiction specialists can assess your recovery needs and help you get the addiction treatment that provides the best chance for your long-term recovery.