How to Get Crack Out Of Your System

How long does cocaine stay in your system? Let White Sands Treatment Center explain how long it remains in the body and how to get crack out of your system safely.
Crack cocaine is a potent stimulant drug that creates an intense but sort-lived high. It is classified as a Schedule II controlled narcotic in the U.S. and is sold illegally on the street as: coke, blow, snow, C, and flake. Crack is processed cocaine that gets its name from the crackling sound that occurs when it is heated, and the fumes are inhaled. If you have a crack cocaine addiction problem, and you have to be drug-tested, you will want to know how to get crack out of your system. Crack can have devastating effects on your physical and mental health, and it has no medicinal purposes other than to be used recreationally just to get high. As the addict comes off the high, he may begin to feel edgy and restless, and have intense cravings for the drug. Crack has a very short half-life of about 15 minutes with the high lasting about 5 to 10 minutes. The levels of the drug in the bloodstream are dependent on how much crack was smoked at one time, how often crack was smoked and how tolerant the addict is to the drug. If you are wondering “how long does cocaine stay in your system” the answer is that cocaine can remain in the body for several weeks. Cocaine can remain in the blood from 2 to 8 hours, and can remain in the hair for months to years after use. Cocaine can also be detected in the urine from 1 to 4 days. How long does cocaine stay in your system? It depends on what type of test is being done, because cocaine remains in different parts of the body for diverse lengths of time. Trace amounts of the drug can be detected in saliva and sweat for several weeks after use.
Crack cocaine addiction creates some very powerful effects on the addict both mentally and physically. Some of the effects of crack, including intense euphoria and drug cravings, are:
- Rapid heartbeat, heart attack, stroke, contracted blood vessels
- Depression, anxiety, psychosis, paranoia, anger, hostility, bizarre and aggressive behavior
- Convulsions, seizures
- Overdose, death
- Liver and kidney failure
- Nervous system impairment
- Lung and respiratory damage
- Increased body temperature and blood pressure
Crack cocaine addiction can cause adverse effects on the brain affecting brain functions, personality and behavior. These problems make it more difficult for the addict to realize and admit that he has a crack cocaine addiction problem and should receive professional help from crack addiction specialists. If the patient also suffers from co-occurring mental health issues or other health problems, he should be admitted as an inpatient at a drug rehab facility. The addict will need intensive long-term care for a minimum of ninety days or more. The patient should have a supervised detox process to gradually remove the crack cocaine from his body. The patient will be monitored during the process and medications can be administered to help alleviate withdrawal symptoms.
Some of the withdrawal symptoms that the patient may experience are:
- Exhaustion, lethargy
- Anxiety, depression, anger, suicidal thoughts, mood swings, irritability
- Nightmares
- Drug cravings,
- Inability to feel pleasure
- Shaking
Withdrawal from crack can begin about 1 hour to 72 hours after the drug was last used. Knowing how to get crack out of your system safely can save your life. Physical withdrawal symptoms can last up to 3 months depending on the severity of the crack cocaine addiction and other factors. Psychological symptoms can last longer, sometimes extending to 6 months after detox. There are very effective evidence-based treatments available for crack cocaine addiction. The patient should receive contingency management therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, individual and group counseling, family counseling, relapse prevention and long-term aftercare. If you want to know how to get crack out of your system, these are the best treatments. Crack cocaine addiction takes a long time to recover from, and the patient should be given the time and tools he will need to heal and remain sober. Once he is equipped with the proper education and tools, the patient can expect to live a drug-free, happy life.
If you or a loved one needs help with abuse and/or treatment, please call the WhiteSands Treatment at (877) 855-3470. Our addiction specialists can assess your recovery needs and help you get the addiction treatment that provides the best chance for your long-term recovery.