Teen Drug Use Facts: Tips for the Parents of Teenagers
Tips for parents of teens about teen drug use facts, teenage drug abuse statistics, Teen Drug Use Facts, and more.
Whether parents want to believe it or not, there is always a possibility that your teen is using drugs or may be curious about trying drugs and/or alcohol. The best thing a parent can do to prevent drug use and abuse in their teenager is by educating them. When parents educate both themselves and their children on teen drug use facts and teenage drug abuse statistics, the chances of their child abusing drugs are decreased.
Teenage Drug Use Facts and Teenage Drug Abuse Statistics
The following are some facts and statistics about teenage drug use and abuse:
- More teens die annually of prescription drug-related incidents than both heroin and cocaine combined
- 60% of teens who are abusing prescription drugs get them for little to no cost from both friends and relatives
- By the time they reach 8th grade, 28% of adolescents have consumed alcohol, 15% have engaged in cigarette smoking, and almost 17% have used marijuana
- Teenagers who are learning about the risk of using drugs from their parents on a consistent basis are half as likely to use drugs in comparison to those who do not receive consistent education from parents
- About 50% of high school seniors do not perceive trying cocaine once or twice as harmful
- 40% of high school seniors do not perceive using heroin once or twice as harmful
- 60% of seniors do not perceive the regular use of marijuana to be harmful
- Most people try drugs for the first time when they are teenagers
- Drug use is highest among individuals who are in their late teens and twenties
- Alcohol remains the most commonly used drug among teenagers
- Seven out of every ten students have consumed alcohol by the end of their high school career.
Tips for Spotting Drug Use in Teens
If you are wondering “is my teen abusing drugs”? The following are common signs of teenage drug use and abuse:
- Sudden changes in behaviors and experiencing behavioral issues
- Using mints or perfume/cologne to cover up scent of drugs and/or alcohol
- Exhibiting secretive and sneaky behaviors
- Withdrawing from friends and/or family
- Poor academic performance
- Lack of motivation
- Lack of personal upkeep and poor hygiene
- Track marks on arms or legs from injecting drugs
- Burns on fingers or lips from smoking drugs
- Slurred speech or rapid speech
- Lack of motor coordination
- Experiencing health issues
- Sudden fluctuations in weight
- Loss of interest in extracurricular activities
- Experiencing troubles with the law and/or at school
- Reports from the school about drug and/or alcohol use
- Finding drug paraphernalia or alcohol among personal belongings
If your teen has exhibited more than one of the signs and symptoms listed above, we encourage you to seek professional help immediately.
The following are questions the parents of teens commonly ask:
- Is my teen abusing drugs?
- How do I determine if my teen is using drugs?
- My teen is using drugs, how do I get help for them?
- Are there substance abuse treatment options for teens?
- What is the teenage drug abuse statistics?
- Am I being to strict if I don’t allow my kids to use drugs and/or alcohol?
- How do I prevent my teen from being pressured into drinking or using drugs by their peers?
- How do I encourage my teen not to use drugs and/or alcohol?
If you or a loved one needs help with abuse and/or treatment, please call the WhiteSands Treatment at (877) 855-3470. Our addiction specialists can assess your recovery needs and help you get the addiction treatment that provides the best chance for your long-term recovery.