Butalbital Withdrawal Symptoms

Learn more about the butalbital withdrawal symptoms protocol with the help of White Sands Treatment Center
Butalbital is a potent barbiturate depressant commonly known under the brand name of Fioricet. The drug is often mixed with acetaminophen and caffeine, and is used in the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, tension headache and pain. There are a variety of adverse side effects associated with butalbital addiction and butalbital withdrawal symptoms can cause dangerous health problems. Anyone addicted to butalbital should never stop taking the drug abruptly, and withdrawal from the drug should be assisted by addiction specialists who are familiar with butalbital addiction and recovery.
Individuals who suffer from physical illness may sometimes abuse the drug as a remedy for relief. Abuse of the drug will eventually cause the body to build up a tolerance that could lead to dependence. If levels of the drug in the body become toxic, the individual could suffer an overdose, go into a coma or death can occur. Some of the adverse effects of butalbital include:
- Sedation, dizziness, light-headedness, intoxication, euphoria
- Risky behavior, anxiety, confusion, depression, aggression, hostility,
- Nausea, fever, tremors
- Impairment of judgment and motor skills, dramatic weight changes,
- Respiratory depression, shortness of breath, rapid or irregular heartbeat, memory loss,
- Shock, seizures, coma, death
Butalbital withdrawal should be performed by medical professionals at a drug rehab center, where the addict can be monitored and kept stable and safe. Anyone with a severe addiction to the drug should enter the rehab facility as an inpatient so that they can receive the proper comprehensive care that they will need to effectively get off of the drug and stay off. Butalbital withdrawal symptoms may appear within the first 8 to 36 hours after the last dose was taken, and usually last about 2 weeks or more.
A good butalbital withdrawal protocol will include monitoring the patient 24/7 and administering medications that will help to diminish withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal from butalbital can cause a variety of difficult symptoms, and the patient may experience physical, emotional and mental disturbances. Some of the butalbital withdrawal symptoms that the patient may experience include:
- Depression, anger, anxiety, delirium, edginess, disorientation,
- Elevated blood pressure and body temperature, increased heart and respiratory rate,
- Vomiting, drowsiness, tremors, ringing in the ears, breathing difficulties
- Severe headaches, abnormal vital signs, seizures,
Butalbital withdrawal can be very stressful on the patient. One butalbital withdrawal protocol includes a gradual easing of withdrawal from butalbital. The patient may receive a daily dosage of the drug for a short period of time and then the dose will gradually be decreased. The use of benzodiazepines or phenobarbital can be used to treat withdrawal symptoms. If this method is used with an outpatient status, the patient must be under the regular supervision of a physician.
An inpatient butalbital withdrawal protocol can include a gradual or complete cessation of the drug, and the accompanying withdrawal symptoms will be treated at the drug rehab facility by the medical personnel. A rapid detox butalbital withdrawal protocol is also performed with an inpatient status. This protocol involves sedating the patient under anesthesia, and removing the butalbital from the body. The patient is sedated for about one hour and after the procedure is completed the patient must have intensive medical supervision to control the withdrawal symptoms.
Butalbital withdrawal is just the first stage of treatment for a butalbital addict, and the recovery phase of treatment follows the detox process. To assure that the patient is treated for underlying psychological and emotional factors that may have contributed to his addiction he should receive individual and group counseling and also behavioral therapy. It is during this time that the patient will learn about his dysfunctional mental/emotional conditioning and how to change it. This is essential treatment for the patient so that he can change his destructive thought and behavior patterns.
Other therapies will include learning how to manage triggers, strong emotions, drug cravings, and more. As a part of the relapse prevention techniques, the patient will also learn enhanced coping strategies so that he can manage difficult situations and people without feeling the need to use drugs to cope. The patient should also continue his treatment with an aftercare program once he has left the rehab facility. This is an evidence-based, effective treatment plan for anyone who wants to recover from butalbital addiction. Learn more at www.WhiteSandsTreatment.com
If you or a loved one needs help with abuse and/or treatment, please call the WhiteSands Treatment at (877) 855-3470. Our addiction specialists can assess your recovery needs and help you get the addiction treatment that provides the best chance for your long-term recovery.