Long Term Effects of Molly

Insight into the Long-Term Effects of Molly
“Please help me find Molly. /Do you know where I can find Molly? / She makes my life happier/ more exciting/ She makes me want to dance.” From Kanye West to Cedric Gervais, many music artists are capitalizing on the popularity of the club drug, molly, and writing songs about it. Molly (and ecstasy) are slang words for MDMA. Both a stimulant and a hallucinogen, MDMA is a synthetic drug. To learn more about the long-term effects of molly, call WhiteSands Treatment at 877-855-3470.
Originally, molly was mean to denote pure MDMA. Nowadays, however, this is not true. More often than not, molly capsules contain mystery white powder that may contain a variety of things such as caffeine, ketamine, methamphetamine, or amphetamines along with MDMA. Unless you use a test kit before you ingest drugs, there is no way to know what is mixed in.
Effects of Ecstasy Drug on the Body
While molly is typically taken orally, some individuals like to open the capsule and snort the contents. One hit of MDMA can last anywhere from three hours to six hours. Once swallowed, this drug takes about fifteen minutes to reach the brain and enter the bloodstream. The drug’s peak high can be felt around the forty-five-minute mark. During this time, the brain releases a substantial load of serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical which impacts mood, appetite, and sleep.
When a person is high on molly, or rolling, they are super hyper and alert. They may experience alterations in perception – like an enhanced sense of touch and may lose a sense of time. For many reasons, it makes sense that this a popular party or rave drug. These rave festivals last for days, people may need more than coffee to keep at it all weekend.
On the other hand, effects of ecstasy drug on the body include extreme sweating or bouts of chills. They may also feel faint and nauseous – and may even throw up. People typically feel thirsty while rolling, and it is important to hydrate. Psychological effects associated with the use of molly, or MDMA, may last for weeks after you take it. These effects include anxiety, depression, confusion, drug cravings, paranoia, and sleep disturbance.
Long-Term Effects
Research has indicated that by chronically using molly, one can develop brain damage. Long-term effects of molly on the brain include permanent issues with learning and memory. Some used to think long-term effects of molly included Parkinson’s disease, “holes in your brain,” and lifelong depression. However, those claims have been disproved.
Long-term effects of molly on the brain include damage to the parts of the brain that regulate emotion. Taking drugs may sound like a good time, however, keep in mind that you may be setting yourself up for lifelong issues. Degenerated nerve endings are in store for chronic abusers of molly.
Other long-term effects of molly consist of kidney failure, hemorrhaging, psychosis, death, convulsions, and cardiovascular collapse. Have you seen molly? If so, think about the aforementioned effects and decide if you want to experience those in the future or not. Exposure to MDMA may emphasis negative personality traits that existed before the individual began using the drug. After all, addiction begins with the simple act of taking the drug. You can become addicted to a substance after just one use, in some cases.
People may use this drug because this thinks of it as a “safe’ party drug. Individuals describe feeling elated and free, with worries or negative discussions. The truth of the matter is that public health officials report the drug is not actually as pure as it is claimed to be. There has, in fact, been an increase in emergency room visits from MDMA related issues. To be more specific, the increase was one-hundred-twenty percent.
The long-term effects of molly, are no laughing matter. The side effects may veritably be irreversible and, lead to your demise. Call WhiteSands Treatment before it is too late and receive the help you deserve.
If you or a loved one needs help with abuse and/or treatment, please call the WhiteSands Treatment at (877) 855-3470. Our addiction specialists can assess your recovery needs and help you get the addiction treatment that provides the best chance for your long-term recovery.