Do you know what is the hardest opiate to withdraw from, and what type of treatment is available to help? Learn more right now.

While opioids are a type of drug that is legitimately used to treat a wide range of medical conditions, the drug is also used illegally in the form of heroin. All opiates, whether used legally or otherwise, can cause dependence. Heroin creates an especially strong hold on users and this makes it the hardest opiate to withdraw from – and one of the most dangerous.

Opiates are, generally speaking, the hardest drugs to withdraw from because they affect the brain directly, from the very first dose. Opioid drugs work by attaching themselves to the opioid receptors in the brain, eliciting an immediate response. This response is usually accompanied by a high rush or euphoric episode, that can leave the user feeling numbed, “out of it”, and losing touch with reality. Other effects include slowed breathing, slowed reaction times and a general sense of calmness.

While these reactions may not sound too unpleasant, they lead to dependence and addiction. Opiates are the hardest drugs to withdraw from, because of the prolonged acting-time and effect they have in the body, and because you can feel the remnants of it even months after you’ve detoxed.

In the case of the hardest opiate to withdraw from, heroin, the illegality of it should be a warning of how damaging it can be. Heroin has become the hardest drug to quit because of the following characteristics: it is a super fast-acting opioid that brings an immediate euphoria, accompanied by a feeling of great comfort, strength, and inexplicable “happiness.”

But, just like it has the potential to cause those feelings, the crash after a heroin episode it’s just as bad. A user will feel depressed, anxious, desperate and experience incredible mood swings. This leads to constant use (whether injecting, snorting or smoking the drug) in order to be able to keep the high going for a longer period of time.

This addictive cycle can be deadly if a person does not receive immediate treatment for their abuse problem.

In order to overcome an addiction to heroin, just like with the other opiates, a person must go through detoxification. Opioids are the hardest drugs to withdraw from because the effects of its use can last for months, even after a person has been able to remove the toxins from their body.

In the case of heroin, the following facts can explain why this is considered the hardest drug to quit:

  • Because it affects certain neurochemicals in the brain, withdrawal episodes are extremely intense
  • Because of its potency, a person will typically need medication in order to detox from it
  • Withdrawal symptoms can be severe, and even dangerous when detoxing
  • The majority of heroin abusers experience post-acute withdrawal symptoms for months, and even years, after detoxing
  • The long-lasting effects of the drug have a severe impact on the central nervous system, heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure and respiratory system. These effects can be felt for months after withdrawing from the drug
  • Depression caused by heroin withdrawal can trigger suicidal thought is some cases

While the above facts serve to prove why heroin is the hardest opiate to withdraw from, with the right type of treatment and support, an abuser can recover and regain sobriety. The treatment and recovery process can be a long journey, but it is definitely possible.

Heroin may be the hardest drug to quit, but rehabilitation centers such as WhiteSands Treatment offer in-house medical detoxification, followed by a comprehensive therapeutic rehabilitation treatment, to ensure that you regain and maintain sobriety.

If you or a loved one needs help with abuse and/or treatment, please call the WhiteSands Treatment at (877) 855-3470. Our addiction specialists can assess your recovery needs and help you get the addiction treatment that provides the best chance for your long-term recovery.

About the Author

is a proud alumni member of WhiteSands Treatment. After living a life of chaos, destruction and constant let downs, Mark was able to make a complete turnaround that sparked a new way of life. He is serious about his recovery along with helping others. At WhiteSands Treatment, we offer support to you in your homes or when you are out living in your daily lives.