Signs someone is Addicted to Pills

Know these top signs of painkiller use and how rehab can help you or a loved one.
Do you think your loved one is addicted to pills? There are obvious signs someone is addicted to pills, beginning with a change in personality and behavior. Some addicts seem to have consistent and profiled behavior patterns, but others can perform tasks and function very well under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If an addict has a high tolerance for a substance they can be high functioning addicts, while low tolerance can make the addict more susceptible to the effects of the substance.
Signs of Pill Addiction
Signs of addiction behaviors are not always conclusive evidence that your loved one has a drug problem, but if you notice that your loved one is exhibiting behavioral signs on a consistent basis it can mean that there is a problem. Each drug or alcohol-type has its own unique set of effects that can influence the addict’s behavior. It is important to be aware of the variety of behaviors that often accompany drug and alcohol addiction, especially if your loved one is not acting like his usual self. Signs someone is addicted to pills may include any of the following:
- Changes in appearance can include soiled dirty clothes, unshaven faces and an overall unkempt appearance. Addicts usually display a lack of hygiene having dirty hair and nails, and may emit strange odors from the drugs they take, or smell of alcohol. Their eyes can be bloodshot, lifeless, tired looking, and have constricted pupils. Skin can appear blotched or flushed.
- Sudden or dramatic weight loss is another sign that the addict is losing weight by not eating properly because of a loss of appetite.
- Drowsiness is another of the signs someone is addicted to pills. The addict may have a difficult time staying awake, especially if he is taking sedatives. He may fall into a deep sleep and it may be difficult to arouse him His breathing may also be shallow because of a depressed respiratory system caused by the pills.
- Slurring speech and forgetting what he was talking about are other signs of painkiller use.
- A change in energy levels is another effect of addictive pills. Depending on whether the addict is taking depressants or stimulants will determine if he is hyperactive or sluggish, and will be displayed in his behavior.
- Signs of painkiller use can include a change in energy levels and the addict may “nod off” regularly. Blood pressure may drop and the respiratory system can become depressed. Signs of painkiller use also include: anxiety, confusion, depression, mood swings, and hallucinations. The addict may become psychotic, delusional, aggressive and suicidal.
- Addictive pills may cause the addict to begin to withdraw from family and friends, and lose interest in activities he once enjoyed.
- The addict may begin to neglect his responsibilities and duties, like paying his bills or caring for his family. He may also neglect his duties at work and lose his job.
- Signs someone is addicted to pills also includes suffering financial loss, because all money is spent on obtaining drugs. The addict may begin to borrow or steal money to buy his pills.
- Doctor shopping is another sign of pill addiction. The addict may try to get multiple sources for obtaining his pills, and he may even try to fake symptoms to obtain pills from his doctor.
- Addicts are notorious for lying and manipulation. He will be secretive about his activities and tell lies to cover-up his addictive behavior. He may also blame others for his problems and make excuses for his behavior as a way to manipulate you into thinking that he is not addicted to pills.
- Risky behavior is another tell-tale sign of addictive pills. Stimulants can cause an addict to act irrationally and impulsively. The addict can have unexplained cuts and bruises, or a more serious injury obtained from an accident or fight with another person.
Erratic or strange behavior can also be symptoms of the effects of painkillers. Being overly sensitive, defensive or hostile can be other effects of addictive pills. Any consistent behavior that is not the usual behavior of your loved one can be a sign that something is amiss.
If you or a loved one needs help with abuse and/or treatment, please call the WhiteSands Treatment at (877) 855-3470. Our addiction specialists can assess your recovery needs and help you get the addiction treatment that provides the best chance for your long-term recovery.