Researchers have concluded that drug addicts and alcoholics need to make changes in their lifestyle, often dramatic, in order to succeed in recovery. Why is change important in recovery? Living in the same place, seeing the same people, and doing the same things as you were when the addiction ruled can be what brings about a relapse. White Sands Addiction Treatment Center in Tampa FL can help you with the first changes you need to make, which are detoxification and rehab.

Why Is Change Important In Recovery?

Doing the same things that led to your addiction places a risk on your goal of long-term recovery. Major lifestyle changes help establish new habit patterns and reduce the chances of falling back in the old routine. Your brain tries to recreate the “high” you felt when it associates something with substance abuse. The “somethings” can be your environment, activities, or people.

  • Environment – Hanging out in the same old places such as a pool hall, night club, or restaurant can be environmental triggers. There may even be some triggers in your home, which can be challenging for the recovering substance abuser.
  • Activities – If you found you used drugs or alcohol during or after certain activities, such as going to the pool hall, playing cards, or tail gate parties, you need to remove these things from your life. Nothing is more important than your recovery.
  • People – Friends who drink, abuse drugs, or engage in activities that are triggers for you, need to be avoided until you are much stronger. If there are people who anger you, even if they are family, try and avoid being alone with them. Stay away from old friends who use drugs or drink, even when they are sober. The conversations they have with you can be triggers.

Coping With Change In Recovery

Change is stressful under any circumstances, but when you are in recovery it can seem more difficult. You can learn to cope with change as you see how important it is to your life and recovery. Coping with change in recovery means dealing with some stumbling blocks that may be in your recovery path, but you can push them out of them way with positive thinking. Some of the stumbling blocks you may have to deal with include the following:

  • Fear of the Unknown – When you are facing change it can be scary, and it requires faith to take that big step. So many are unwilling to face their fears and make changes, and unfortunately they remain trapped in the cycle of addiction. Trusting the changes will support your recovery is vital.
  • Not Believing Change is Necessary – Some addicts don’t believe they need to change things to recover. If you fall into this category, you are placing your recovery at risk. Not everything has to change, but the things that trigger cravings must go.
  • Liking the Comfortable – You may find you don’t want to change some things that you find comfortable. Your table and seat at the pool hall may be one of your favorite places to be, but when you are surrounded by drinking friends, it’s dangerous. You may want to continue going out with the girls for Friday night wine tastings. You tell yourself you are only going to drink water. Do you really believe that?
  • You Don’t Like Other People Deciding Your Changes – If you are upset that counselors or family members are telling you some things you shouldn’t do anymore, your resentment can send you spiraling back into your addiction.

Dealing With Change In Recovery

Dealing with change in recovery can be difficult. Attending support groups as well as individual counseling sessions can provide you with the tools you need to get through the temptations, stresses, and changes. Don’t try to do it on your own. White Sands Addiction Treatment Center in Tampa FL can give you the help you need. If you are in recovery, they offer programs to strengthen your resolve. If you have relapsed, their staff can get you back on the track to sobriety again. Call today, and discover how they can help you.

If you or a loved one needs help with abuse and/or treatment, please call the WhiteSands Treatment at (877) 855-3470. Our addiction specialists can assess your recovery needs and help you get the addiction treatment that provides the best chance for your long-term recovery.

About the Author

is a proud alumni member of WhiteSands Treatment. After living a life of chaos, destruction and constant let downs, Mark was able to make a complete turnaround that sparked a new way of life. He is serious about his recovery along with helping others. At WhiteSands Treatment, we offer support to you in your homes or when you are out living in your daily lives.