Where Families Of Addicts Can Find Help

Having a family member addicted to drugs is a constant emotional tug-of-war that places tremendous stress on everyone. Understanding addiction is a disease and not a character flaw isn’t enough to keep families of addicts from feeling the stigma society places on substance abuse. WhiteSands Addiction Treatment Centers can provide information on family therapy and its benefits.

Families Of Addicts

Parents or spouses of someone abusing drugs knows their loved one is not intentionally trying to hurt the family, however the lying, stealing, manipulation and abuse that addicts inflict on their families each day causes pain that results in strained family relationships. Professional therapy and counseling can help heal the emotional damage inflicted on each member of the family. Society, in spite of documented research identifying addiction as a disease, places a stigma on drug abuse, the addict, and his or her family. This type of daily stress creates great difficulties on the families of addicts who are torn between anger at their loved one who steals from them and lies so easily and fear of their loved one dying from an overdose. The emotional drain on families of addicts is relentless. WhiteSands Addiction Treatment Centers can provide a professional addiction specialist to work with families seeking an intervention with the goal of convincing their loved one to get into a residential rehab program.

Support Groups For Families Of Drug Addicts

According to the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD), “Addiction is a family disease that stresses the family to the breaking point, impacts the stability of the home, the family’s unity, mental health, physical health, finances, and overall family dynamics.” Without professional help, the family of an addict (especially if he or she is a parent) can disintegrate leaving every member with emotional issues. Nar-Anon is one of the support groups for families of drug addicts who are currently using, as well as those in recovery.

Support groups help family members to realize they are not alone and provide an opportunity to garner ideas from others in the same circumstances. A support group is a judgment-free zone to discuss your family situation. There is plenty of reading material to educate families on the drug their loved one is addicted to. Agencies offer free pamphlets, and libraries have a large selection of books and information helpful to families of addicts.

How To Help An Addict Without Enabling

It’s important for an addict to see the results of his or her substance abuse. Addicts frequently forget what they do when they are high, so it is important for the family to let the results of their behavior remain visible. If an addict become agitated and destroy things in the home, do not clean it up for him or her. Family members need to know how to help an addict without enabling the behavior. If your substance abuser passes out on the porch or the front lawn (leave him or her there). It’s important for an addict to be required to deal with the results of his or her actions. Loud and belligerent behavior may result in neighbors calling the police.

Make no excuses for your loved one, and let the chips fall where they may. Don’t make any excuses if an addict misses work because they are on a downer, and never offer money to help with bills or food because it will be used to purchase drugs. Consequences may help him or her realize they need help. Don’t do anything to bail an addict out of trouble, but always be willing to take them to a rehab facility and support them in recovery. There is an exception to all of the above if your family member is unresponsive or shows any signs of an overdose, then you must call 911 immediately.

WhiteSands Addiction Treatment Centers offer help to addicts and their families. Inpatient and residential rehab as well as peer support groups, counseling, holistic options, and relapse prevention are a few of the addiction recovery services provided at WhiteSands. When you call, you will be greeted by an addiction specialist who can help you arrange admittance into the facility for your loved one. Call (877) 855-3470 today, and look forward to a healthy future for your family member.

If you or a loved one needs help with abuse and/or treatment, please call the WhiteSands Treatment at (877) 855-3470. Our addiction specialists can assess your recovery needs and help you get the addiction treatment that provides the best chance for your long-term recovery.

About the Author

is a proud alumni member of WhiteSands Treatment. After living a life of chaos, destruction and constant let downs, Mark was able to make a complete turnaround that sparked a new way of life. He is serious about his recovery along with helping others. At WhiteSands Treatment, we offer support to you in your homes or when you are out living in your daily lives.