Meth Withdrawal Explained

The Symptoms Of Meth Withdrawal Explained
Meth (methamphetamine, crystal meth, speed) is a stimulant and has a high potential for abuse. Users quickly build up a tolerance to meth and continue to need higher doses to achieve the same euphoric feeling. The meth “high” can last up to 12 hours, and it soon becomes the most important thing in the user’s life. Meth withdrawal explained makes it clear why many users are hesitant to attempt it on their own. WhiteSands Addiction Treatment Center in Fort Myers FL can help you safely through the withdrawal process.
Meth Withdrawal Explained
When a meth user is convinced he or she should go through detox (this sometimes requires an intervention), it should be in a drug addiction treatment center where the symptoms of meth withdrawal explained to the user covers important points. The body will be clear of the drug in just a few days, but the changes meth has made in the brain chemistry are still creating symptoms. These meth withdrawal symptoms include:
- Severe depression, which should subside by the end of the third week
- Constant anxiety, which may be helped by mild exercise
- Sleepiness, which cause you to sleep up to 11 hours at a time the first few days
- Strong cravings for meth, which will subside over a few weeks
- Carbohydrate cravings for sugary and starchy foods, which lasts a few weeks
- Psychosis, which includes delusions and hallucinations
- Suicidal thoughts, which makes supervision critical
Symptoms will vary from person-to-person depending on how severe the addiction is, if drugs and alcohol are involved, and if there are mental illness problems. Injected meth usually presents a longer and more intense withdrawal process than when smoked or snorted. Users are at a higher risk of overdose if they snort meth.
Meth withdrawal explained teaches the user that he or she may experience protracted withdrawal symptoms – post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS) – for months or years. These meth withdrawal symptoms can include severe cravings and depression. Fortunately these symptoms can be managed during recovery in counseling and therapy sessions. Prior to detox, each patient is evaluated to determine a personalized plan. After the withdrawal is completed, there may be another meeting to discuss what follows next in rehab. Drug rehabilitation programs help the user through meth withdrawal symptoms and provide guidance to continue in a life that is drug-free. Treatment may include instructions in yoga, nutrition, exercise, or meditation.
What Happens To Your Body When You Do Meth
There are many negative consequences to meth use. This is what happens to your body when you do meth. If you are a chronic user, you will feel no pleasure other than what you get when using meth. You will suffer from anxiety, confusion, insomnia, mood swings, and even violent behavior towards those you love. You can experience delusions and hallucinations (both visual and auditory). You may feel like insects are crawling under your skin and scratch it so badly you develop large sores. Your oral health will deteriorate, and teeth will rot (meth mouth). Serious structural and functional changes take place in the portions of the brain that affect memory and emotion. These changes will cause emotional and cognitive problems for the user. What happens to your body when you do meth is terrible, and you may suffer some of the consequences for a lifetime.
If you are addicted to meth, every day you are not in an addiction treatment center is a day you are risking your life. A phone call is your lifeline to a new future, success, and happiness. WhiteSands Addiction Treatment Center has professionally trained staff and medical personnel to help you go through detox, rehab, and counseling so you can take back your life.
If you or a loved one needs help with abuse and/or treatment, please call the WhiteSands Treatment at (877) 855-3470. Our addiction specialists can assess your recovery needs and help you get the addiction treatment that provides the best chance for your long-term recovery.