Drug and Alcohol Intervention Methods: 5 Effective Approaches

One of the major challenges in beating addiction is the denial the addict is usually in and their active avoidance of treatment. Even if the addict is aware that they don’t have control over their substance abuse anymore, they may not be able to stop; driven by the drug seeking behavior and dependence. One of the few ways that can make a person realize that they must get help is an intervention. In this article, we will explore the most used drug and alcohol intervention methods that can help addicts see the need to stop and get help.

Learn more effective approaches for a successful intervention. Read More Here.

Confrontational Model

This model is one of the more traditional alcohol intervention methods that initially focused on blaming the addict and punishing them for their actions until they eventually changed. Since then, it takes a more considerate approach by not becoming overly negative. It is one of the interventions for alcoholism that is most seen on TV and in movies. 

Crisis Intervention Model

The confrontational model tends to happen only once. It is composed of family and an intervention specialist in most cases, and if the addict doesn’t accept help, then they will suffer the consequences such as the family cutting ties with the addict.

The next of the alcohol intervention methods is the crisis model. It is a method that is aimed at helping someone with an addiction and a limited time to act before they have severe consequences. In general, it is used to help those who have recently become or are about to become homeless, people with mental health issues, legal issues, and financial problems. It is a last resort before greater harm is done to the addict’s life, and the addict may be admitted into treatment involuntarily.

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, roughly 7.9 million of the 20.2 million people with substance use disorder had a secondary mental health issue. Crises such as these warrant immediate intervention.

Love First Model

 This model of intervention is similar to confrontational interventions for alcohol abuse expect it focuses on love and support as opposed to the negative. It is one of the interventions for alcohol abuse and drug addiction that encourages the same amount of caring support throughout the treatment process. For example, if one of the excuses the addict makes is that they are unable to go to rehab due to obligations, then through the love first model, arrangements would be made to make it possible for the addict to get the help they need. Staying calm during the intervention is important, and meeting the addict’s negatively with loving support. Each person in the intervention writes down the things they want to express to the addict and ends it with positive reinforcement.

Johnson Model

Perhaps one of the most effective drug and alcohol intervention methods is the Johnson model. It’s loosely based on the confrontational model but with one major difference: the person who wants to have the intervention is educated and coached on what they should say and do by a professional interventionalist before attempting to talk to the addict. It achieves high levels of success.

Tough Love Model

The last of our interventions for alcoholism and drug addiction is the tough love model. It is a model that doesn’t focus on the negative but rather makes ultimatums for negative actions. This can mean limiting resources or anything that might motivate the individual to find treatment. It can be a tricky to pull off and an intervention specialist is often advised.

If you or a loved one needs help with abuse and/or treatment, please call the WhiteSands Treatment at (877) 855-3470. Our addiction specialists can assess your recovery needs and help you get the addiction treatment that provides the best chance for your long-term recovery.

About the Author

is a proud alumni member of WhiteSands Treatment. After living a life of chaos, destruction and constant let downs, Mark was able to make a complete turnaround that sparked a new way of life. He is serious about his recovery along with helping others. At WhiteSands Treatment, we offer support to you in your homes or when you are out living in your daily lives.