Inmates Need Access to Resources Once Released From Prison

Many inmates who are locked up behind bars are often there as a result of either being a drug dealer, playing an integral part in the drug dealing operation, or are drug addicts who found themselves in an illegal and risky situation. These individuals may spend anywhere from months to years in prison, serving time for illegal crime and mischief. Some of these individuals may not look like your average, stereotypical drug dealer or addict as they may be level C executives or employees of large corporations. The reality is that the face of a drug dealer or drug addict can be anybody.

A large barrier that inmates face when they are released from prison or jail is locating the resources that will help them get out of the dangerous cycle of addiction. Ex-inmates are often overwhelmed when they get back out in the real world and often don’t know where to turn when looking for addiction recovery help. Having the appropriate resources and outlets where these individuals can turn to will enable them to lead a healthier life that does not revolve around substance abuse.

Accessing the Proper Care

Formerly incarcerated individuals are much less likely to visit a doctor, get treatment, or obtain the care needed to get better when compared to those who are not incarcerated. This is because these individuals struggle with a negative stigma that follows them around as well as not having proper access to resources and help at their leisure. In order for formerly incarcerated individuals to get better, authorities in these penitentiaries need to provide resources to these individuals upon discharge so that they are educated on where to turn when they return to the streets.

Supporting inmates when they are outside of prison doors is the responsibility of public organizations and policymakers as they should be activists for reform and recovery. If these individuals do not have access to the help they need than they are 10 times more likely to go right back in the direction that took them to jail in the first place and over 100 times more likely to die of a drug-related incident such as an overdose or gang violence.

If these individuals cannot help themselves then there need to be implementations in place so that they are more motivated and encouraged to seek a life that is free from the chaos of drug abuse, addiction, and drug distribution.

A Seamless Re-Entry

In order for these inmates to re-enter society as productive individuals who are not a burden to society, proper care post-prison must be put in place. These individuals quite obviously require guidance and when they are released, the guidance must be provided for them. Patient assessments will help in determining what sort of care, assistance, and guidance these inmates require once they are out of prison.

Comforting these individuals despite the fact that they may not take well to the idea of compassion, is something that is integral to the recovery process. Providing the tools necessary to foster their new identity as a sober individual will allow them to stay on the path of recovery without relapse. Attending support groups such as local AA and NA programs will help in encouraging these individuals to live a life that is free of drug abuse.

If you or a loved one needs help with abuse and/or treatment, please call the WhiteSands Treatment at (877) 855-3470. Our addiction specialists can assess your recovery needs and help you get the addiction treatment that provides the best chance for your long-term recovery.

About the Author

is a proud alumni member of WhiteSands Treatment. After living a life of chaos, destruction and constant let downs, Mark was able to make a complete turnaround that sparked a new way of life. He is serious about his recovery along with helping others. At WhiteSands Treatment, we offer support to you in your homes or when you are out living in your daily lives.