How to Help Someone Get to Rehab

Its easy to feel helpless when someone you love is struggling with the downward spiral of addiction. A person with a substance use disorder has to decide to get treatment for themselves.  But in the mean time, loved ones affected by their behaviors also have a right to speak honestly about how they feel.  You cant force someone to go to rehab, but you can make it harder for them to deny the impact their actions are having on the people they care about.  An intervention is an important opportunity to let someone know how much you care about them and that you’re there to support them every step of the way once they’re ready to get help.

Even if it seems your loved one is not open to accepting your advice, they may be more receptive than you expect if you communicate your message properly. By staging an intervention that avoids any kind of shame and blame and focuses on love and support, you can earn the individual’s undivided attention, show them how much you care, and help them feel supported.  A successful intervention enhances a person’s odds of recovery and can make them more likely to achieve lasting sobriety.

So how do you stage an effective intervention? What should you say or not say to a loved one struggling with substance use disorder?

We’ve compiled some critical steps you should know about why an intervention may be  is necessary, how to stage an effective intervention, and what to avoid as you move forward with this serious matter.

The Importance of Intervening When Someone Is Abusing Drugs or Alcohol

Substance use disorder entails more than a serious problem for society. It is a potentially life-threatening condition that could have dire consequences for the person struggling with addiction as well as for the people around them. Even if you feel helpless, you should never give up on your loved one, and staging an intervention could literally save their life.

If someone you loved were suffering from diabetes but refused to take their insulin or go to the doctor, you would be rightly concerned. Its no different from substance use disorder, a serious and potentially deadly disease that is dangerous even if it is not as well understood.

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, call WhiteSands Alcohol and Drug Rehab today at 877.969.1993 to learn how we can help.

Steps to Having a Successful Intervention

Staging a successful intervention for someone with substance use disorder is a serious matter requiring careful planning. If you want to know how to stage an intervention, you need the right information, and you need to know which steps to take before you get started.

Here are some essential steps to guide you as you prepare to hold an intervention:

1. Get the guidance you need: When it comes to how to stage an intervention, you do not have to conduct it alone, nor should you. Staging an intervention is not a do-it-yourself affair, so reach out for the professional help and guidance you will need to make your efforts successful.

2. Build your team: Now that you are working on how to stage an intervention, you need to decide who will be there and what roles they will play. Your intervention team members can include concerned colleagues and coworkers, caring family members, and friends worried about the current situation.

3. Make a plan: No effort can succeed without a well-thought out plan, and intervention is no exception. Now is the time to make your plan, including what you will say, where the intervention will be held, and how to make sure the individual with the substance use disorder will be in attendance.

4. Gather the documentation: Substance use disorder takes a heavy toll on the entire family, and gathering specific evidence about the issues impacting your family can help demonstrate the pain being caused. Take the time to document the current situation; it will make confronting the affected family member more straightforward and effective.

5. Write out the impact statements: Every member of the intervention team has been impacted in some way by a loved one’s substance use disorder. Otherwise, they would not be there. Take the time to write out your impact statement and help other team members do the same.

6. Set firm boundaries: Its essential to think carefully about what you will and will not say once the intervention begins. Knowing how to stage an intervention is as much about what not to do, so set firm boundaries about what you will discuss and stick to them. An intervention is not the time to bring up personal vendettas.

7. Rehearse: Staging an intervention entails a complicated process, and you do not want to leave anything to chance. So rehearse your parts and let every other member of the team also practice. Knowing what to expect and what roles everyone will play will make the real meeting go much more smoothly.

What Not to Say in an Intervention

When it comes to staging an intervention, what you don’t say matters nearly as much as what is being said. With that in mind, it is important to know what to avoid once the intervention rehearsal and the actual intervention get underway.

As tempting as it might be, it is essential to avoid accusations and personal attacks during an intervention. The intervention process can get heated, and it is your job to keep things under control. Stick to the facts, talk about the impact the substance use disorder has had on the family and friends, and prioritize the support you and your fellow team members offer.

If you or a loved one needs help with abuse and/or treatment, please call the WhiteSands Treatment at (877) 855-3470. Our addiction specialists can assess your recovery needs and help you get the addiction treatment that provides the best chance for your long-term recovery.

About the Author

is a proud alumni member of WhiteSands Treatment. After living a life of chaos, destruction and constant let downs, Mark was able to make a complete turnaround that sparked a new way of life. He is serious about his recovery along with helping others. At WhiteSands Treatment, we offer support to you in your homes or when you are out living in your daily lives.