The Dangers of Huffing Common Household Chemicals

Some drugs are hard to come by, especially for young people who may not have jobs or earn their own money, but some drugs are easy to find, and the substances could even be hiding in your garage or under your sink.

Those dangerous drugs are known as inhalants, and they take many forms. From the cans of paint in the garage to the nail polish remover on your bedside table, these substances may look innocuous, but when misused, they pose real threats to the health, and even the life, of the mostly young people who use them.

What Are Inhalants?

The dangers of inhalant abuse and addiction are very real, but what is an inhalant, and what makes it so insidious? The first thing you should know about inhalants is that the average home can contain dozens of them. The substances may be hiding in plain sight, and most people would not give them a second thought.

Inhalants can take many forms, including paint thinners, colored markers, gasoline, glues, and solvents. But no matter what form it takes, all of these substances can be abused by young people looking for a fast and cheap high. If you are a parent, you should be on the lookout for the signs of inhalant addiction, and you need to be prepared to take action as soon as you suspect this dangerous type of abuse.

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, call WhiteSands Alcohol and Drug Rehab today at 877.969.1993 to learn how we can help. 

Types of Inhalants

One of the aspects that make inhalant abuse and addiction such a danger is that they are found in every home, unlike most street drugs. As an adult, you may not view a can of spray paint as a drug, but the teenager living under your roof might see things differently. Here are some of the commonly used household items that can turn dangerous or even deadly in the wrong hands:

  • Insect killing sprays
  • Aerosolized cans of whipped cream
  • Automotive degreasers
  • Stored gasoline
  • Lighter fluid
  • Glues, including model glue and other adhesives
  • Rubber cement
  • Markers
  • Aerosol deodorant and hairspray

All of these seemingly harmless substances can be abused, and their use often flies under the radar. If you keep any of these items in your home, and you almost certainly do, you need to know the warning signs of inhalant abuse.

Effects of Abusing Inhalants

Being aware of the effects of inhalant abuse is one of the smartest and most effective actions people can take to protect loved ones and keep them safe. Knowing what to look for is essential since the objects that make inhalant addiction possible are found in nearly every home.

The first sign of inhalant abuse you may notice involves slurred speech, a common side effect of huffing. Those who have been abusing inhalants may also appear confused or lethargic, and those symptoms should always be cause for concern.

Risks of Inhalant Use

The abuse of inhalants comes with some serious inherent risks, including the danger of death from an overdose of fumes and a buildup of toxic substances. Whether they come in cans, bottles, or other types of packaging, these substances are not designed to be inhaled, and when they are, the results can be quite dire.

Chronic inhalant abuse can create a toxic mixture, leading to brain damage in extreme cases. Inhalant abuse can even lead to death, primarily when people cover their heads with plastic bags to intensify the high.

Inhalant Abuse and Addiction

Keeping street drugs out of your home may be a relatively simple matter, especially if you keep a close watch on the internet and social media usage of the young people living under your roof. As a concerned parent, you likely would know if your children were using marijuana or abusing cocaine, but what about the paint thinner in the garage?

These substances can be just as dangerous and potentially deadly as any other type of drug, and it is important to know how to recognize the warning signs of their abuse. Even if you only suspect abuse, it is essential to reach out for professional help as soon as you can.

Treatment for Inhalant Addiction

Some dangers are easy to see, while others are hidden in plain sight. Inhalant abuse and addiction clearly belong in the latter category, but that does not mean it has to go unnoticed. Every home contains these hidden dangers, so it is up to you to be vigilant and aware.

Even if you only suspect that someone in your home has been abusing inhalants, it is vital to get them the help they need right away, and that expert assistance is only a phone call away. At WhiteSands Alcohol and Drug Rehab, we can help you spot the signs of inhalant addiction early when treatment is more manageable. Please contact us today or visit one of our many locations throughout Florida to begin the healing process, so you or your loved one can start their road to recovery.

If you or a loved one needs help with abuse and/or treatment, please call the WhiteSands Treatment at (877) 855-3470. Our addiction specialists can assess your recovery needs and help you get the addiction treatment that provides the best chance for your long-term recovery.

About the Author

Jackie has been involved in the substance abuse and addiction treatment sector for over five years and this is something that she is truly eager about. She has a passion for writing and continuously works to create informative pieces that not only educate and inform the public about the disease of addiction but also provide solutions for those who struggle with drug and alcohol abuse.