What Is Opiate Detox? 

 Opiate detox involves weaning the individual off of the substance in a controlled and monitored environment using detox medications. WhiteSands Alcohol and Drug Rehab offers medically assisted opiate detox at our Fort Myers facility, where patients will be gradually weaned off of the drug under the supervision of registered nurses and clinicians.  

 A common question that those who struggle with narcotic abuse ask is, ‘how to detox from opiates.’ It’s highly recommended that individuals do not go ‘cold turkey’ or stop the use of opiates abruptly, as this can be detrimental and even life-threatening. To effectively detox from opiates, patients will need to attend a period of medically assisted detoxification in a professional detox facility. Here, they will be provided with support along with the medication needed for a successful detox.  

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, call WhiteSands Alcohol and Drug Rehab today at 877.969.1993 to learn how we can help.

Opiate Withdrawal: The Dangers of Detoxing from Opiates 

While detoxing from opiates is the right decision, doing so without professional help and guidance can induce negative withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal is hard to manage without the aid of medications and can be highly uncomfortable, not to mention unsafe. Because your body and mind are so used to a steady stream of opiates, the cessation of them can have adverse side effects.  

Some of the common physical side effects of detoxing from opiates without professional help include: 

  • The chills 
  • Fever  
  • Diarrhea  
  • Fever 
  • Stomach cramps  
  • Nausea  
  • Vomiting  
  • Insomnia  

When individuals stop taking opiates, the opiates no longer attach to the opioid receptors in the brain, therefore, no longer increasing the reuptake of dopamine, a natural feel-good chemical produced by the brain in response to pleasure. In turn, patients begin to experience hefty withdrawal symptoms as their bodies adapt to normalcy. To lessen these withdrawal symptoms, patients are urged to seek professional help through a detox facility such as WhiteSands Alcohol and Drug Rehab in Fort Myers. This will ensure the safest and most effective detox with the least side effects while having the best outcomes.  

Medical Detox: How to Detox From Opiates Safely 

When looking into how to detox from opiates, the safest and most effective way to detox from opiates is through a professional medical detox program. Registered nurses will monitor patients throughout the course of detox to ensure the efficacy of the process. The patient will be given a lesser dose of the detox medications as the days go on; this process is called weaning or tapering. This allows the individuals to adapt to the lessened drug dose while not putting the body into a state of shock or withdrawal. Detoxing from opiates sets a solid foundation for recovery. 

Medications Used in Opiate Detox 

Depending on the severity of your addiction and how long you have been an opioid abuser, a different medication may be prescribed for you.  

Some of the most commonly prescribed detox medications include: 

  • Clonidine 
  • Methadone 
  • Suboxone® 
  • Buprenorphine  

These medications are designed to support the medical detox process while mitigating withdrawal symptoms and reducing cravings. They are meant to be used on a short-term basis and are not intended for long-term use. Doctors will gradually prescribe lessened dosages of the medications throughout detox until the individual is completely weaned off the opiate. 

Detox from Opiates in Fort Myers at WhiteSands 

WhiteSands Alcohol and Drug Rehab offers all levels of care and a full continuum of treatment options for those struggling with drug addiction, alcohol addiction, or co-occurring disorders. Through comprehensive, personalized treatment programs, patients can work toward lasting recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. Detoxing from opiates can be made more comfortable by using medications designed for patients’ comfort during this time. When patients are provided with a nurturing environment conducive to recovery, they are much more likely to succeed in recovery.  

Patients lay a solid foundation for recovery through medical detox at WhiteSands Alcohol and Drug Rehab in Fort Myers. Once patients have completed medical detox, they will move on to complete inpatient residential treatment. There is no better time to seek help than now. Get in touch with the intake team at WhiteSands Alcohol and Drug Rehab today to learn more about how to detox from opiates and how we can help you. 

If you or a loved one needs help with abuse and/or treatment, please call the WhiteSands Treatment at (877) 855-3470. Our addiction specialists can assess your recovery needs and help you get the addiction treatment that provides the best chance for your long-term recovery.

About the Author

Jackie has been involved in the substance abuse and addiction treatment sector for over five years and this is something that she is truly eager about. She has a passion for writing and continuously works to create informative pieces that not only educate and inform the public about the disease of addiction but also provide solutions for those who struggle with drug and alcohol abuse.