Often, individuals with drug or alcohol addictions also struggle with a mental health disorder, known as co-occurring disorders. These disorders can trigger and feed one another creating an interconnectedness that needs to be addressed simultaneously for successful treatment. Co-occurring disorders are complex and usually need more intensive type treatment. More likely than not, cookie-cutter approaches to addiction treatment may not be enough in these cases and people with co-occurring disorders need personalized treatment.

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Understanding Co-Occurring Disorders: A Comprehensive Overview

Co-occurring disorders, also known as dual diagnosis or comorbidity, involve the presence of both a mental health disorder and substance use disorder (SUD). Individuals with mental health disorders are more likely to experience an SUD than those without one. Either condition can cause the development of the other. Some people may display mental health symptoms long before they develop substance dependence and vice versa. Individuals with co-occurring disorders may have more severe symptoms than a person with only one of the disorders as well.

Several different kinds of mental health disorders commonly occur alongside substance abuse, including anxiety, depression, eating disorders, PTSD, and bipolar disorder. Because these disorders coexist and worsen each other, both disorders must be treated at the same time. Diagnosing can be difficult as many substance use disorder symptoms overlap with mental health symptoms, which can leave one disorder to go undetected.

The Complexity of Co-Occurring Disorders

Co-occurring disorders can be complicated and multifaceted. They involve substance use disorders and one or more mental health conditions. Both conditions can cause and exacerbate the other, which is why they also have to be addressed simultaneously in treatment. The interaction between co-occurring disorders can slow the rate of recovery, complicate treatment, and increase the likelihood of relapse.

One reason why co-occurring disorders develop is because sometimes people with mental health issues turn to drugs or alcohol as a way to self-medicate symptoms. Substances can cause euphoria, reduce anxiety, and help people forget about their problems for a short period. However, they are not treating the causes of their mental health issues which can worsen symptoms. Substance abuse can also worsen mental health disorders as they affect the same areas of the brain that regulate mood. The person may use the substance to get the same effect or more often as mental health symptoms worsen, leading to drug or alcohol dependence and eventually addiction.

personalized treatment for co-occurring disorders

Individuals who engage in substance abuse may also trigger a mental health disorder. While not every person who uses drugs or alcohol will develop a mental health disorder, individuals who are predisposed to one, such as genetics, may inadvertently trigger one with continued abuse. Drugs and alcohol can change brain structure and how it produces, absorbs, and regulates various biochemicals responsible for mental health. Substance abuse can also lead to unhealthy habits such as lack of exercise or lack of nutrients, which also affect mental health.

The Limitations of One-Size-Fits-All Treatment Approaches

Every person will experience mental health symptoms and addiction differently. Also, how every person heals is unique, so what works for one person may not work for another. The complexities of addiction, mental health, and especially co-occurring disorders may not be fully addressed in a one-size-fits-all approach. Some addiction treatment programs have stuck with the idea that standardized treatment is enough, and while it can offer some help, it may not be enough for many to recover from substance abuse long-term.

Some limitations of one-size-fits-all treatment models include:

  • Ignoring underlying causes: often, uniform treatment models will tend to primarily target the main manifestations of addiction which are physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms without acknowledging how the person goes there or their root causes.
  • Overlooks co-occurring disorders: one-size-fits-all approaches often fail to diagnose and treat co-occurring mental health disorders. They may temporarily alleviate surface-level addiction symptoms but do not address driving behaviors of addiction, such as mental health conditions.
  • Neglects individual needs: every person will heal from the effects of addiction differently, so one type of treatment may not work for them or resonate with them. The person may not complete treatment because they are not getting any benefit from it.

The Role of Personalized Treatment in Addressing Unique Needs

There are several treatment approaches to addiction and mental health treatment, such as individual therapy, holistic treatments, medication management, and support groups. Personalized treatment programs will aim to tailor treatment to each patient’s unique needs with a variety of therapies and treatment options. Clinicians will evaluate each patient using their past experiences with substance abuse and current symptoms to curate an individualized treatment plan that offers their best chance at recovery. Personalized treatment plans will also pay attention to how addiction has impacted the patient’s life, to help them heal all those areas and customize aftercare strategies for effective long-term wellness. Personalized treatment plans’ main objective is to find and treat the root causes of addiction while also addressing co-occurring disorders.

Benefits of Tailored Treatment Plans for Co-Occurring Disorders

Personalized addiction treatment recognizes the individuality of each person’s experience with addiction and creates tailored treatment plans based on the information gathered. Some of the many benefits of choosing a tailored treatment plan for co-occurring disorders include:

  • Individualized care: personalized treatment plans for co-occurring disorders will ensure clinicians address the root causes of addiction and help patients heal in a way that works for them. They can choose the most effective treatment strategies for that person.
  • Holistic treatment: individualized treatment approaches not only take into account the physical aspects of addiction but also the mental and emotional parts. Holistic therapies will help patients truly heal and achieve a better quality of life.
  • Improved engagement and motivation: patients who receive treatment plans that work for them will see the difference more quickly and thus be more motivated.
  • Flexibility and adaptability: tailored treatment plans can adapt to the changing needs of each individual. Clinicians can modify their recovery program as needed including intensity and length of treatment.
  • Higher success rates: overall, personalized treatment plans have a higher success rate. The ability to adapt recovery plans, increase motivation, and provide therapies that work for that individual greatly increases their likelihood of long-term recovery.

Key Components of Effective Personalized Treatment

When looking for a dual diagnosis treatment facility, here are some essential components of effective personalized treatments:

  • Comprehensive assessment: the first step in a personalized treatment plan is a comprehensive assessment of the body, mind, and spirit. Clinicians will take a look at the patient’s background, medical history, substance addiction, co-occurring disorders, and recovery goals to create an individualized plan.
  • Ongoing evaluation: effective treatment will ensure the patient’s progress is being monitored and alter treatment plans to meet those changes.
  • Flexible lengths of stay and levels of care: the best treatment programs will offer a variety of levels of care including medical detox, inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, and aftercare programs. They will also tailor treatment intensity depending on the severity of symptoms.
  • Involvement of the individual: patients who are a part of their recovery feel more empowered. By actively participating in their recovery, they can gain a sense of responsibility and learn how to manage symptoms long-term.

How WhiteSands Treatment Provides Customized Care for Co-Occurring Disorders

WhiteSands Treatment offers personalized treatment for co-occurring disorders throughout its network of drug and alcohol addiction recovery facilities. We specialize in dual diagnosis treatment to help a variety of co-occurring disorders including anxiety, depression, PTSD, and bipolar disorder. Our treatment programs are geared towards individuals with a primary diagnosis of substance abuse, but our clinicians are trained to diagnose and address any co-occurring disorders. We go above and beyond the standard level of care by ensuring every treatment plan is tailored to each patient’s needs.

If you would like more information about our recovery programs at WhiteSands or are ready to get started on the journey toward wellness, please contact us at (877)855-3470.

If you or a loved one needs help with abuse and/or treatment, please call the WhiteSands Treatment at (877) 855-3470. Our addiction specialists can assess your recovery needs and help you get the addiction treatment that provides the best chance for your long-term recovery.

About the Author

Jackie has been involved in the substance abuse and addiction treatment sector for over five years and this is something that she is truly eager about. She has a passion for writing and continuously works to create informative pieces that not only educate and inform the public about the disease of addiction but also provide solutions for those who struggle with drug and alcohol abuse.