Traumatic experiences can dramatically affect a person years or decades after they happen — and, unfortunately, this negative effect won’t change on its own. When someone is suffering from the lingering effects of trauma or experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), they need professional treatment to learn to manage and control their symptoms and feelings while embracing a better future ahead. In cases like this, various therapy programs for addiction and mental health disorder treatment are crucial sources of help — and trauma group therapy is especially beneficial as part of the treatment plan. But just how important is group therapy for adults who are suffering from the consequences of trauma, and why is group therapy more helpful in some cases than traditional individual counseling and therapy? Let’s explore these important issues and how WhiteSands Treatment integrates trauma group therapy into its comprehensive addiction and mental health treatment options.

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What Are the 7 Areas Affected by Complex Trauma?

Complex trauma is the result of repeated or chronic traumatic experiences. While it most often happens during a person’s youth, with examples including things like physical or sexual abuse, bullying, emotional neglect, and discrimination, adults can also suffer from complex trauma if they experience violence, such as domestic violence, or are exposed to chronic things like civil war, genocide, or sexual trafficking. Because these problems can cause difficulty for the person well into adulthood, it’s important to get professional help to deal with the issues, and trauma group therapy can be a particularly beneficial treatment option.

A 2005 paper published in the Psychiatric Annals journal says there are seven areas impaired in children who are exposed to complex trauma:

  1. Attachment: Problems with boundaries, district, and suspicion, as well as social and interpersonal difficulties.
  2. Biology: Coordination and balance problems, difficulties with one of the senses, autoimmune disorders, seizures, and inability to feel pain are all possible.
  3. Affect Regulation: Problems include the inability to self-regulate emotions, express feelings, and communicate what they want and need.
  4. Dissociation: This is marked by altered states of consciousness, amnesia, and depersonalization, or feeling disconnected from oneself and one’s emotions and behaviors.
  5. Behavioral Control: This impairment includes everything from self-destructive behavior, eating disorders, and substance use disorder to poor impulse control, aggression, difficulty following rules, and reenacting trauma in behavior or play.
  6. Cognition: Problems concentrating, learning new information, focusing, planning, and anticipating.
  7. Self-Concept: Disturbed body image, low self-esteem, and feelings of shame and guilt.

What Is the Success Rate of Group Therapy?

trauma treatment

While it might not get the attention of individual therapy, the American Psychological Association says there are some major benefits of group therapy and its ability to help many people all at once. According to the APA, group therapy only makes up 5% or less of private-practice treatment, while 95% of efforts are focused on individual therapy. However, group therapy is just as effective in helping people with many different mental health conditions — and, because one therapist can help many people at once, unlike in one-on-one individual therapy, it can be an effective way of making a real difference for a large group. The APA cited a 2023 research article that found the potential for saving $5.6 billion and reducing the need for new therapists by more than 34,000 if group therapy was used to fill America’s unmet needs for psychological help. 

How Does Group Therapy Help Trauma?

According to the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, trauma group therapy can help people address several of the most debilitating symptoms of PTSD and other forms of trauma. Traumatic experiences tend to change how someone looks at and experiences the world, leading to avoidance and social isolation. Trauma group therapy combats these changes and benefits overall mental health by helping people strengthen their support networks, improve social and coping skills, and enhance self-awareness while also offering a safe space to express emotions and learn from the different perspectives and experiences of other group members.

At WhiteSands Treatment, we know that veterans and active-duty military members are often exposed to unique traumas that require a specialized approach to care. That’s why we offer a full range of veterans’ addiction treatment programs, including drug detox for veterans, that are designed to specifically help people like you overcome substance use disorders and mental health challenges at the same time.

Why Is Group Therapy So Powerful?

We already know that trauma group therapy can be just as effective as individual therapy — but are there ways it’s even more powerful than one-on-one appointments with a therapist? The short answer is yes, according to an article published by StatPearls. Group therapy is an effective treatment option for a range of conditions, including trauma, PTSD, anxiety disorders, depression, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Overall, patients have reported reductions in symptoms after group therapy treatment, much like they would with individual psychotherapy. However, the group component is also a powerful tool because participants can learn from and support one another. Group therapy sessions are specifically planned for people who have similar conditions, so one person’s experiences and the lessons they’ve learned are likely to also apply to others in the group. This means that the whole group can help each other while getting the help they need.

WhiteSands Treatment Offers Trauma Group Therapy to Help Our Patients

Trauma and addiction, unfortunately, can go hand in hand, but the cycle can be broken — and we can help. WhiteSands Treatment offers a full range of addiction treatment programs that include help for co-occurring mental health disorders, such as trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder. When people turn to us for help, they can rest easy knowing that our compassionate team members will give them the support and knowledge they need to overcome addiction and better manage the symptoms and side effects of their mental health struggles. By treating the whole person, we better equip them for their lives long after treatment is finished.

For many people, trauma group therapy can be an effective, safe, life-changing way to address traumatic experiences and memories and find peace and happiness after this trauma. We’re proud to offer this and other therapy and treatment options across the state of Florida, and we know that it can help you or your loved one. To learn more about how we can help, call us today at 877-855-3470.

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If you or a loved one needs help with abuse and/or treatment, please call the WhiteSands Treatment at (877) 855-3470. Our addiction specialists can assess your recovery needs and help you get the addiction treatment that provides the best chance for your long-term recovery.

About the Author

Jackie has been involved in the substance abuse and addiction treatment sector for over five years and this is something that she is truly eager about. She has a passion for writing and continuously works to create informative pieces that not only educate and inform the public about the disease of addiction but also provide solutions for those who struggle with drug and alcohol abuse.