The Differences Between 12-Step And Non-12-Step Programs
Everyone knows that drinking too much has serious consequences, but while most would agree that stopping immediately and getting help is the best option, not everyone seeks out treatment. If you’re ready to get help, you might find yourself thinking about the 12-steps: Recovery through 12-step groups is a very well-known model for those struggling with addiction. But is it the best one for you? Before choosing how you’ll work toward sobriety, explore the differences in 12-step rehab programs versus non-12-step options.
Detox Is Handled Differently
In order to make a change in your life, it’s important to get away from the substance that has been causing problems. Stopping your drug of choice and getting it out of your body is called detox. This gives the body a chance to come to grips with the fact that the substance is no longer available. While this is a great and necessary step in the right direction, withdrawal symptoms can be difficult, causing uncomfortable mental and physical situations. In this stage of rehab, 12-steps don’t offer tools to help people handle the situation. They just ask that participants stop using drugs or alcohol.
Non-12-step programs are designed with a plan of attack for detox. At Tampa Drug Treatment Center, patients are medically-assisted through the process. Some are weaned off of the addictive substance, while others stop immediately. Both approaches may include the use of medications to help deal with the withdrawal symptoms in a safe and effective way. No two patients are alike: That’s why it’s important to meet with medical professionals to create a personalized plan to rid the body of addictive substances.
Mental Disorders Are Addressed Differently
In a 12-step rehab program, mental issues aren’t really addressed: They may be overlooked, or it may be suggested that addicts find a solution for these concerns elsewhere. This means that any mental health issues are pushed aside, without looking to see if there is any relationship between those issues and addiction. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, it is common for addicts to deal with some type of mental disorder while they are struggling with drugs or alcohol.
A patient will often find the best chance of success when all of their addiction treatment, including help for dual-diagnosis situations, is coordinated through one group that communicates and monitors their progress together. Unfortunately, a 12-step program for substance abuse doesn’t offer these types of resources. For those whose situations are complicated by a mental health issue, their best choice is to get customized care at a rehab; 12-steps can’t provide the level of care they need.
Which Type of Treatment Will Work for You?
The most effective treatment plan is going to be one that’s tailored to you, delivering exactly what you need to get your life in order and walk away from substance abuse. While a 12-step program for substance abuse has a lot to offer as far as group support and accountability, it lacks the individualized attention that’s key to a successful recovery. There is no detox treatment or professional counseling, which can be incredibly helpful to an addict looking to make an effective recovery.
When you’re ready to look beyond the 12-steps, recovery programs customized to your needs are just a phone call away. Our accredited facility can offer you everything you need to get sober and start over. From help with your nutritional needs to exercise and yoga classes, we bring everything together in one place to make it easier for you to leave addiction behind. Find out how you can benefit from a non-12-step rehab approach: Contact us today.