Signs of Addiction

Addiction is a growing problem in today’s society and the abuse of both street drugs and prescription drugs, along with alcohol, are the culprits. Oftentimes, the misuse of drugs is looked past or minimized in importance when really it should be addressed immediately.
Recognizing substance addiction in you or in a loved one can help determine whether intervention needs to take place. Addiction isn’t something that happens overnight, but rather is a progressive disease that may take years to notice.
Although the signs and symptoms of addiction vary from each individual, there are some signs that are an obvious giveaway to drug and/or alcohol addiction. There are not only physical signs of addiction; there are also psychological signs of addiction. There are various physical signs of addiction, behavioral signs of addiction, and emotional signs of addiction that can help determine whether someone is suffering from addiction.
Physical Signs:
- Weight loss
- Repetitive speech
- Dilated pupils
Behavioral Signs:
- Absent from work and school
- Being secretive and isolated
- Having problems with marriage/friendships
Emotional Signs:
- Being defensive
- Irritable and obnoxious
- Blaming their behavior on someone else
Many individuals who are close to addicts, such as a family member or best friend, can detect addiction in their friend when they see it. Addicts may become more volatile or have bursts of anger. They may also commonly begin to wear sunglasses indoors in order to conceal their dilated pupils while also avoiding eye contact and avoid conversation.
Taking a Closer Look
If you suspect that a loved one or close friend is involved in drugs or alcohol abuse, there are various protocols that one can take.
- Noticing strange incoming calls
- Begin a journal of when the suspected addict leaves and comes back home
- Monitor the physical weight of the individual
- Note if they are acting out of character when asked if everything is ok
Typically, alcohol and drug addiction begin recreationally, where individuals drink socially as a means to ease social settings. It is when this occasional habit becomes a daily occurrence that it becomes to be identified as addiction. The more addicts drink and use drugs, the higher their tolerance levels are the more they are able to consume/take of the substance.
Some may be confused as to whether or not they have an addiction. You may suffer from addiction to drugs (street or prescription) if:
- You are not using them as prescribed
- You begin to shake when you are not on a certain drug
- You start to require more of the substance in order to get the same effect
- You take medication for longer than prescribed
Substance Dependence
Once a person is dependent on a substance, whether to drugs or alcohol, they no longer have control of themselves. At this point, abusers will continue to use substances as a means to cope with everyday life even though they know it is hurting themselves, their family, and is affecting their careers.
Drug and alcohol dependency comes with intense cravings that can be very hard to ignore; the very reason why people become addicts. Although addicts may want to quit, they find it very difficult to do so without professional help. Some individuals are born with a more addictive personality due to genetics and thus are at a disadvantage as they are more prone to substance abuse.
Addicted individuals may make social and recreational sacrifices in order to use and abuse drugs and alcohol. They may turn down an invitation to an outing based on the fact that there will not be any alcohol or drugs present.
WhiteSands Treatment centers can help addicts toward the positive road to recovery. Addiction treatment at our drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities offers a variety of therapy options that are aimed at your success in recovery. Call today to speak to an admissions counselor today (877) 855-3470.