Biocodone is the brand name for the prescription pain reliever hydrocodone. It is a semi-synthetic opiate agonist effective in treating all types of moderate and severe pain. It is also used in some medications to treat persistent coughs by suppressing the cough reflex. Biocodone is a central nervous system depressant that alters brain activity when taken. The drug works by interacting and binding with specific neurotransmitter sites in the body that are responsible for sensing pain. Biocodone is usually prepared with other analgesics such as Lortab, Vicodin and Norco, and offers its users fast acting pain relief that lasts up to 4-6 hours. Anyone taking this prescription drug will feel a euphoric high and decreased pain within 10-30 minutes. In terms of its strong pain relieving power, one 15 milligram dose of hydrocodone is equal to 10 milligrams of morphine. The medication hits its peak in the body at 1.3 hours. Hydrocodone is one of the top prescribed pain relieving drugs in the country and in today’s pharmaceutical market, there are more than 200 prescription drugs that contain this ingredient.
Biocodone Administration and Medication Side Effects
Biocodone can be taken in a variety of ways, though tablets and capsules are most common. Some people addicted to the drug will crush and snort the medication in order to get a quicker high, however this is extremely dangerous and can increase side effects. Though less common, injection methods are also used in the administration of Biocodone. Side effects can also be increased when the drug is combined with alcohol, sedatives, tranquilizers, MAOI inhibitors or other narcotics.
The most common side effects of this prescription medication are vomiting, dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, impaired thinking, mood swings, and difficulty urinating. More serious side effects can occur in some users, including rash, tightness of the chest, slow or irregular breathing, liver damage, liver failure, jaundice, hearing loss and dark urine.
Biocodone is a Schedule II controlled substance with a high abuse rate that manifests in psychological and physical dependence. The drug is a synthetic opioid, which is one of the most lethal addictive drugs in medicine. Because Biocodone is an addictive type of drug, it should never be taken by a pregnant woman, as the newborn child could be born dependent on the drug. It can also cause birth defects in a developing fetus.
Biocodone Abuse Statistics
Biocodone is one of the most widely abused prescription drugs in the United States, in part due to its accessibility. Recent studies state it accounts for more than sixty percent of all drug addictions, as a variety of drugs contain hydrocodone as the active ingredient. It is mainly considered a primary drug of abuse for most people, although some users will take Biocodone as a secondary substance to alcohol or illegal drugs. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) states that the rate of death from drug overdose has more than tripled since 1999 due to the increase in usage of hydrocodone. The CDC also asserts that more than 12 million people have been reported as using the medication for non-medical purposes. Teenagers make up the largest group of abusers of the drug. They account for sixty-five percent of hydrocodone addiction in the U.S. With 111 million prescriptions filled in 2011 alone, it is easy for teens to gain access to the drug. Because of the accessibility of this drug, it is often referred to as one of the first drugs teenagers will experiment with.
Opioid Effects on the Body
Opiates, such as Biocodone, work on the body to induce relaxation. The drug also increases muscle contraction in the gastrointestinal tract and stimulates the brain, which can cause vomiting or nausea as this is the body’s natural response to detoxify itself. Biocodone works on the brain by binding to the neurotransmitters that control movement, digestion, breathing, moods and body temperature. Opiate receptors in the brain were discovered in 1973 and afforded scientists the ability to study the effects of opiate drugs on the body. They found that the drugs mimicked the natural opiate molecules that the brain manufactured and used. This discovery led to the identification of endorphins and the finding that the regulation of the immune systems is somewhat dependent upon opioid reactors.
Biocodone Withdrawal Symptoms and Detox
Dependence and addiction to Biocodone can form quickly. Over a short period of time, the body becomes tolerant to the drug, meaning more will be needed to produce the desired effect. When someone has continually taken the drug, an addiction can occur, causing withdrawal symptoms to appear if the drug is suddenly discontinued. There are two ways someone can detoxify from Biocodone either through undergoing a tapering process or a rapid detox. With the tapering process, the amount of Biocodone is lowered on a daily basis. In some patients, withdrawal symptoms may occur, although this therapy can be continued as long as life-threatening symptoms do not appear. Common withdrawal symptoms from Biocodone include:
- Anxiety
- Aches
- Chills
- Fever
- Flu-like symptoms
- Sweating
- Weakness
This process of detoxification should be completed at a rehabilitation or medical facility, as medical staff will have medical intervention options to help the individual if withdrawal symptoms become too severe. The second type of drug detoxification process is known as the rapid detox. This therapy can only be done under the care of a physician. It requires the individual addicted to Biocodone to be under anesthesia for a short period of time while the drug is removed from their system. After the procedure, they are monitored for 48 hours to ensure no side effects appear. Because Biocodone also causes psychological dependence, counseling is often recommended after the drug is cleared from the person’s body.