Best Detox & Rehab Center for Residents of St. Petersburg, FL
WhiteSands Treatment has worked hard to provide the best rehabilitation services facility in the St. Petersburg area. Choosing to address your problems with drugs or alcohol is a significant first step toward recovery, and our team of exceptional professionals is trained to assist you. Let us help you take your first step toward recovery.
Alcohol Detox Treatment Near Me
The stresses of everyday life have intensified over the past several decades. This stress is one of many reasons individuals are looking for an alcohol or drug rehab center near them. WhiteSands is an excellent option for both inpatient and outpatient care. There are pluses and minuses to attending drug or alcohol detox in one’s city or hometown. Knowing there is a top-notch rehab and drug detox center for St. Petersburg residents gives individuals, family members, and friends peace of mind when combating this serious issue. We understand how hard it is to ask for help. So no matter whether you need to address a problem with drugs or alcohol, there’s a place for St. Petersburg residents to turn to that’s ready to help.
Drug Detox Center for St. Petersburg Residents
The Florida west coast city of St. Petersburg is home to over a quarter of a million people. WhiteSands Treatment is proud to be the drug detox center for St. Petersburg residents to turn to in their time of need, offering support with PPO insurance for addiction treatment to ensure accessibility for all. There is no demographic or group of people that problems with drugs and alcohol do not touch. That is why a tailored approach at a drug rehab center for St. Petersburg residents is an important place to have available in the community. Our drug detox center in nearby Plant City features programs and services perfectly suited to help an addict overcome their struggles, with the added benefit of accommodating PPO insurance to make treatment more accessible.
Alcohol Rehab Center Near Me
Alcohol is a drug and classified as a depressant. However, treatment centers and society in general typically differentiate between alcohol and other drugs. Part of this distinction is based on the categorical legality and acceptability of alcohol. Another is the different types of treatments offered for drug and alcohol rehab. When you search for an alcohol rehab center for yourself or a loved one, your results must include high-quality facilities like WhiteSands Treatment offers.
At WhiteSands, you will find an alcohol rehab center that caters to the individual. Our facility is staffed by incredible professional individuals who are ready to help you on your journey. Having a highly-trained staff is one of our organization’s cornerstones, and this is precisely what you will find when you search for an alcohol rehab center near St. Petersburg.
WhiteSands Stories of Recovery
Drug Rehab Center Near Me
No matter whether you are battling a problem or addiction with cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines, or one of the dozens of other substances, being able to search for a drug rehab center that provides high-quality results can be critical. Choosing to participate in drug rehab can be a life-saving decision, but that doesn’t make it easy. Knowing that well-trained professionals are waiting to help you can be just the push you need to go from thinking about it to taking action.
All too often, people have an excuse that comes to mind when they think about taking steps to address their substance abuse or addiction problem. Self-reflection does not always result in an honest assessment of how much a drug affects an individual’s life. That’s one reason why we are always ready to offer multiple, customized options when a person does decide to take that first step and reach out to us.
For people searching for a drug rehab center in the St. Petersburg area, WhiteSands is ready to help. While we have outpatient services in St. Petersburg, we also offer detox and inpatient services in nearby Plant City. Our treatment center has another focus on drug rehab for retirees in FL, providing older adults with the care they deserve to ensure their recovery. We encourage individuals who think they have a problem, as well as their family members or loved ones, to be involved. There’s no time like the present to contact us and find out about all of our services.
Detox Treatment for Opioids
Opioids are a highly addictive category of drugs mainly due to the part of the brain they affect when taken. Their effect is almost immediate; the euphoria a person feels comes on very quickly once an opioid drug is taken. There is often no primary downside perceived by the user, and as the high wears off and the sense of euphoria dissipates, taking another hit can seem like the logical action to take. First-time users often wonder why they shouldn’t feel good all the time when they’ve tried a drug in the opioid family with no apparent ill effect, which is why individuals can so quickly get hooked.
This thinking can also make it hard to convince someone they need to participate in a drug rehabilitation program beginning with detox treatment for opioids. If they have been abusing opioids for any amount of time or have become addicted, they know once they enter treatment, they will not have access to the sense of euphoria it gives them again. Drug rehab centers like WhiteSands use a variety of techniques during detox treatment. Our opioid detox for the St. Petersburg area, located nearby in Plant City, can also provide counseling for family members. When a person chooses to become clean and sober, it is essential to have a support system. Educating family members on the aspects of both drug addiction and recovery is an integral part of keeping their loved ones on the right track.
Detox treatment for opioids is an excellent way to begin your journey to a drug-free lifestyle. Opioid addiction depends on the classification of drugs initially derived from the opium plant but has been modified somehow. Drug rehab centers have seen a rise in opioid addiction as more prescription medications have been developed that contain an opioid component. WhiteSands Treatment in St. Petersburg offers many outpatient options for opioid users, including detox treatment at our nearby Plant City facility.
Detox treatment for opioids is one of the medically assisted treatments offered by the exceptional professionals at WhiteSands. Also referred to as medically supervised withdrawal, detoxification is the first significant step to recovery. When completed, the drug is physically out of the person’s system. This process does not take away from the feeling that an individual wants or needs the medication, which is why it is such an important step in the long but essential road to recovery. It is also why going through the withdrawal alone can be very dangerous.
During detoxification, a person can experience the most intense desire to use their drug of choice as withdrawal symptoms begin. This feeling can easily lead to an overdose as individuals may binge when they use it again. By taking part in medically supervised detox treatment for opioids in our Plant City facility, this can be avoided. The trained detox treatment professionals are well-versed in the ways to mitigate the effects of opioid withdrawal. No one needs to go through this time in their life alone.
Opioid Rehab
Opioid rehab or rehabilitation has been a staple of drug treatment centers for some time now. Many states and local municipalities around the United States have declared an opioid epidemic that is affecting many areas of their community. There is no line drawn in a society in which opioid addiction does not cross. Wealth or social status does not matter when it comes to who can become dependent on this family of addictive substances.
In St. Petersburg, WhiteSands has the outpatient programs and experts you need to navigate from abusing opioids to recovery successfully. Inpatient care and detox programs are available at our nearby Plant City location. Working with well-trained professionals is critical. Opioid addicts often need increasing levels of the specific drug they are using and can have severe cravings if their needs are not met. This urge can lead to losing control, but many lesser behaviors can be a sign of use or withdrawal. If you think a family member or loved one has begun using or has become addicted to an opioid or any other drug and have questions, please contact us immediately. Our professional staff is always ready and willing to talk to anyone that needs help with drug abuse or addiction.
Medically Assisted Treatment
WhiteSands Treatment offers medically assisted treatment, which has many benefits. These advantages not only work in favor of the person fighting addiction but also their families and society. Medically assisted treatment is often referred to as supervised withdrawal or detoxification, which helps start a person down a road to recovery in a safe and comfortable environment. Drug detoxification is never painless but is it a necessary step in an individual’s recovery.
The benefits of medically assisted treatment affect the individual and the people around them. In a detox center, a person has no access to drugs they may have in their home or could easily acquire. This process automatically eliminates the possibility of a relapse unless the person leaves the facility. It also reduces the risk of an overdose during a relapse, which can be a strong possibility due to the extreme cravings during withdrawal.
By taking part in a medically assisted treatment program, there is also a higher rate of what is referred to as treatment retention. This method is the opposite of a relapse. It means the treatment is working effectively and progression in recovery is more likely. It also makes the therapy cost-effective as less time in rehabilitation is less costly for the individual. From a societal standpoint, detoxing in an inpatient program is also good because it reduces the risks of having an infectious disease transmitted (during a relapse or binge) and reduces criminal activity.
Inpatient treatment programs in our Plant City facility also offer options that include medically administered medications. There are two general categories that this can fall into, over-the-counter drug administration and medicines that are specifically used to help addicts with their dependence on a particular substance. Suboxone® is one of these medications, and WhiteSands in St. Petersburg has personnel trained in this rehabilitation drug.
Suboxone® (a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone) is used because it is tough for an addict to quit using any opioid. Suboxone® has been FDA-approved since 2002 and is generally thought of as an improvement over methadone and naltrexone, which have been used in the past for the same purpose. Suboxone® does not cause the same euphoric effect that an opioid or methadone does, which lowers the potential for abuse of the replacement rehab drug. Suboxone® was developed to suppress cravings for opioids as well as mitigate withdrawal symptoms. Please feel free to ask any questions about this treatment option when you speak to one of our professional staff members.
What Is Detox Like? What to Expect
The most important aspect to remember about drug detoxification is that it is the first step anyone addicted to drugs or alcohol must accomplish before moving forward into other recovery stages. An individual will still have the cravings associated with addiction, even though the substance has been removed for their system. At drug detox centers like WhiteSands Treatment in Plant City, patients are immediately introduced into a drug-free environment. This intro might seem obvious, but it is an important fact that sets drug detox programs apart from detoxing at home or anywhere else.
Separating an addict from the environment where they used drugs serves as the beginning of relapse prevention. When a person attempts to detox at home, they can always acquire the drug they have been abusing, even if they have gone through the process of initially removing it from their environment. Several situations can occur when it comes to detoxing at home, but none of them are good. To take the edge off withdrawal symptoms, a person may take what they think is a manageable amount of their drug of choice. This smaller amount may seem like a good idea, but the principle of detoxing is to remove the drug from their system, and even a little amount is contradictory to that goal.
Detoxing at home also frequently leads to giving up. Without our professional staff’s support, detoxing can quickly seem too hard to accomplish, and people go right back to using it. The worst-case scenario is that the person has a relapse, binges, and overdoses. These can be avoided by entering a supervised treatment program at our facilities.
What Is Rehab Like? What to Expect
Drug and alcohol rehab can be accomplished as part of inpatient or outpatient programs. Once a person has gone through the detoxification process, they must transition into a drug or alcohol treatment program. It cannot be stated strongly enough that detox is only the first step when it comes to recovery. A person who has become addicted to a substance will always be an addict, but relapsing can be minimized through a comprehensive rehab program. At WhiteSands Treatment centers, there is a customized approach to how we treat each patient’s battle with addiction. No individual has traveled the same road during their abuse of drugs or alcohol, and that same sentiment goes for their journey into sobriety.
After going through detox, which can seem somewhat like a hospital stay, a person transitions into rehabilitation to sustain and build on their initial days without drugs or alcohol. Inpatient rehab offers a comprehensive program with days full of activities. People who have abused drugs often have done so during times in their lives that were empty of other activities. By simply starting the day with breakfast and getting onto a schedule, a positive change in their life has occurred.
Therapy sessions are almost always part of rehab also. Individual, group, and family therapy have all proven to be thriving aspects of the rehab experience. Again, as part of a tailored approach, each individual will have different therapy types as part of their recovery path. Our professional staff of therapists will assess what combination of therapies works best for each person and will modify a person’s schedule as needed as they progress. Inpatient rehab is suitable for mildly and severely addicted individuals because it removes them from their environment and abused substances. Inpatient care also provides round-the-clock support from professional staff members.
Outpatient rehab is a useful tool for drug and alcohol treatment professionals and facilities because it allows for flexibility. Outpatient rehab can help a person who cannot commit to a residential program due to other obligations. Individuals can also transition from an inpatient program to an outpatient program to get back to their home, career, and other responsibilities while still actively participating in a rehabilitation program. Our facility in St. Petersburg offers an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), Outpatient Group Sessions, and Outpatient Individual Therapy.
About St. Petersburg, FL
Once you have completed rehab, it is imperative to find productive activities to occupy your time. St. Petersburg, located on the west coast of Florida in the greater Tampa Bay area, is home to over 265,000 people. It is named after St. Petersburg, Russia, and is often referred to as St. Pete. St. Petersburg attracts tourists, college students who go to school in the area, and retirees alike.
Staying active is one of the keys to a successful recovery. We recommend getting back into pastimes you’ve enjoyed before and find new activities to keep you busy. Once you’ve finished your rehabilitation program at WhiteSands, you may want to check out these great attractions in the St. Petersburg area:
Due to St. Petersburg’s coastal location, there are great places to canoe, kayak, and otherwise explore. One of the cool places to check out is Shell Key Preserve. Tours are available, and thanks to near-daily sunshine, it’s never bad to get on the water.
Biking is another excellent outdoor activity that is fun for newcomers and people who are just getting back into it. Of course, you can bike almost anywhere and one beautiful spot in St. Petersburg is the Boyd Hill Nature Preserve. Bike there yourself or take a tour to learn more about the area.
Tampa Bay Standup Paddleboarding and Kayaking
Standup paddleboarding has become popular over the last decade and is a fun and healthy activity that is great for people of all ages. Standup paddleboards can be rented so you can try it out risk-free. You can try it out at Tampa Bay Standup Paddleboarding and Kayaking.
What Type of Amenities Does WhiteSands Offer?
The WhiteSands Treatment facilities for inpatient service offer full amenities that make us the perfect choice for you or your loved one. Here is some of what we have to offer:
WhiteSands has newly renovated single patient private rooms, full-size beds in every room, and flat-screen TVs. There is a business center where computers are available. Some health services include a nutritional evaluation by a dietitian, a chiropractor to address pain and mobility issues, yoga classes to aid in relaxation and physical well-being, and massage therapy to relieve stress and promote peace.
Some additional services include biofeedback treatment to help cope with anxiety and stress, haircuts for men, and salon services, including hair styling and nails for women. Athletic facilities like a gym with a personal trainer, swimming pool, basketball court, and sand volleyball court are on site.
Why Choose WhiteSands?
At WhiteSands, we pride ourselves on our highly experienced staff. We know that you are putting your trust in us, and we make sure to earn it in every aspect of our organization. We take a holistic approach to drug and alcohol rehabilitation and feel that substance abuse affects the body, mind, and spirit, and we want to help you heal in all of those areas. We also emphasize family involvement as having a sound support system will allow you to go far in recovery. Also, allowing those close to you to understand what you’ve been through can help with the healing process. No matter where you’ve been, we want to assist you in finding your path forward.
We at WhiteSands invite you to call us at any time to learn all about the services we offer. Please contact us with any questions you may have about our alcohol and drug rehab programs.
WhiteSands Alcohol and Drug Rehab can help you make a full recovery from your drug or alcohol addiction. When individuals call (727) 513-1640 and speak to a WhiteSands intake specialist, they will be guided through an initial screening then given instructions on the next steps to begin the admission process. Call now to speak with an intake specialist and begin the process of healing your life today.