Finding Help and Healing

The spouses of people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol can find it immensely difficult to deal with their partner and associated circumstances. What does this mean in plain language? It can be daunting to find that your spouse has disappeared with the mortgage or rent. It can be painful to listen to a spouse degrading you while they are under the influence. It can be disappointing when your loved one relapses yet again…and again. Living with and loving someone who has a substance use disorder can be incredibly challenging. Roughly seven percent of divorces occur because of substance abuse issues. 

Fortunately, spouses of addicts support groups exist to provide help for partners who are struggling. When a spouse becomes addicted to illicit drugs, prescription drugs, or alcohol, it can be extremely confusing. Why can’t they just stop drinking or abusing drugs? Why is every promise to quit a broken one? By attending support groups for spouses of addicts in Tampa, partners can learn about the condition that is affecting their loved ones and how to cope better for themselves and their loved one.

Addiction can take a serious toll on relationships, but support groups for families of addicts in Tampa can provide support that includes experienced-based guidance and healing. Spouses can support and learn from one another. The leaders of support groups can provide the group with topic-based learning that helps them cope better and manage their situation more successfully. Additionally, each participant knows that they aren’t alone, and this can provide a level of support that truly enhances their everyday life.

Understanding Addiction and Its Impact on Relationships

Is your spouse’s addiction taking a toll on your relationship? Addiction is a complex condition that involves physical, psychological, and behavioral dependencies. Without formal treatment, it’s extremely difficult–even impossible–for people to manage their condition. Substance addiction changes the chemistry of the brain, which is why people often make choices that are unintelligible to others. Trying to help someone suffering from alcohol or drug addiction usually meets with disappointment, unless the support is specifically designed for coping with alcoholism or drug addiction.

Spouses of addicts support groups help spouses understand how addiction ‘works’ and what they can do to help their loved one while helping themselves. The complexities of addiction and living with someone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol can be extremely challenging to deal with. Resources for spouses of addicts in Tampa can help people cope in more healthful ways while contending with addiction and the recovery process.

Benefits of Spouses of Addicts Support Groups

spouses of addicts tampa support groups

By joining support groups of addicts in Tampa, spouses can find a safe place for sharing their experiences. Talking about what’s happening in their lives helps them vent frustration and vent, but they can also receive support and advice from other members who have contended with similar issues and situations. During support group meetings, participants learn new coping strategies. They learn to empower one another while learning about issues that can benefit their situation. With a sense of community, spouses feel less alone, and that can enhance how they cope and manage their situation. 

Finding the Right Support Group in Tampa

Substance abuse and addiction are not uncommon. More than 22 million people have a substance use disorder. Many of these individuals have spouses and families. While many support groups are specifically designed for individuals who have addictions, there are also groups designed for spouses or family members who are impacted by a loved one’s addiction. 

There are many ways to find support groups for spouses of addicts in Tampa. First, you can reach out to reputable rehab centers like WhiteSands. Addiction treatment centers like WhiteSands often host support groups for those suffering from addiction or spouses and family members who are impacted by addiction. In addition to in-person addiction support groups, there are also online groups that can provide help and support. Finding support groups in Tampa here:

Remember to check with WhiteSands about our spouses of addicts support groups. We offer a wide range of resources designed to benefit our clients and their families. 

Additional Resources for Spouses of Addicts in Tampa

The following resources may be helpful for spouses of people who have substance use disorders. Browse through and click on the links. Remember that the more you learn, the better the edge you have for dealing with your situation. The following resources for spouses of addicts in Tampa may benefit you in some way:

Continue to reach out to local, state, and national resources that can help you in your struggle. There are Tampa rehab facilities that can help. 

Coping Strategies and Self-Care for Spouses of Addicts

If you are the spouse of someone who has a drug or alcohol use disorder, you need to exercise self-care and learn how to cope with your circumstances as best as you can. The following are a few helpful strategies to keep in mind:


Stress can take a toll on a spouse’s physical and mental health. It’s important to exercise self-care to manage stress effectively. When someone is stressed, they may begin to make poor decisions. They may begin to experience symptoms of a mental health issue like depression or anxiety. How a person maintains their well-being or finds balance can add to their self-care. Consider attending yoga or exercise classes to keep stress at bay.


The more you can learn about substance abuse, the more edge you have. Learn about addiction so that you can better support your partner and yourself. You can find resources online, in bookstores, from government organizations, and in area rehabs like WhiteSands. Being married to someone addicted to alcohol or drugs can be overwhelming. By learning about addiction, you can tame your fear. You can learn about strategies for dealing with your situation.  

Set Boundaries

When you’re married or living with someone who has a substance use disorder, you may need to set firm boundaries. For example, you may not want this individual to have access to your bank accounts. You may not want them to drive or drive with children in the vehicle. It’s not always easy to set boundaries, but it’s important to try. Otherwise, life can feel chaotic when your boundaries aren’t in place or respected.

Individual Therapy

As the partner of someone with an addiction, you might experience serious mental health disturbance. In such cases, you may wish to seek support therapy. A person who has an addiction has a chronic condition. You may be married to someone who is struggling to quit using, doesn’t want to quit using, or has relapsed. Dealing with the ups and downs of a substance use disorder can be so challenging that only professional support can help. Don’t be afraid to reach out to WhiteSands for our assistance. We offer assistance to spouses and families of people who are addicted to alcohol and drugs.

 Frequently Asked Questions about Spouses of Addicts Support Groups in Tampa

What are spouses of addicts’ support groups, and how do they work?

Addiction affects spouses and families. There are support groups for spouses of addicts in Tampa designed to provide help. It can be extremely challenging to live with and cope with a partner who is addicted to drugs or alcohol but support groups can help. 

Are support group meetings confidential?

Yes. Participants commit to maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of the group’s participants. These groups are formed on a foundation of trust and mutual support.

Are there both in-person and online support group options in Tampa?

Yes. Spouses in Tampa can find support online and in person for help coping with being married to someone with a drug or alcohol use disorder. 

Can I join a support group even if my partner is not in formal treatment?

Yes. You can join a support group even if your partner is not getting treatment depending on the group in question. There are community groups where entry isn’t associated with a spouse’s formal treatment.

How do I find a support group that fits my specific needs in Tampa?

You can check with WhiteSands about finding a drug rehab center in Tampa. WhiteSands provides resources for spouses of addicts in Tampa. Our addiction specialists can help spouses and families find support and resources to help them cope better with their situation and their loved ones.

What can I expect in a typical support group meeting for spouses of addicts?

Support meetings for spouses of addicts in Tampa often focus on topics that relate to the entire group. They might offer educational information about types of substance abuse disorders. They might discuss topics such as codependency and the stages of relapse. 

Are there any costs associated with joining support groups?

Support groups that are operated by professional rehab centers may have a charge for members. There are also community and online groups that do not charge participants.

If you or a loved one needs help with abuse and/or treatment, please call the WhiteSands Treatment at (877) 855-3470. Our addiction specialists can assess your recovery needs and help you get the addiction treatment that provides the best chance for your long-term recovery.

About the Author

is a proud alumni member of WhiteSands Treatment. After living a life of chaos, destruction and constant let downs, Mark was able to make a complete turnaround that sparked a new way of life. He is serious about his recovery along with helping others. At WhiteSands Treatment, we offer support to you in your homes or when you are out living in your daily lives.