Find a Substance Abuse Counselor and Get Customized Addiction Treatment: Call 24/7 | Individualized Drug Addiction Counseling Programs

When you’re struggling with addiction, it can be difficult to find someone to talk to. Friends and family often don’t truly understand what you are going through and tend to come across as judgmental or disapproving. This can lead to even more complications in the relationship, leaving an addict to feel completely alone in the midst of a tough time. But at a Tampa Drug Treatment Center, you can work with a skilled substance abuse counselor who understands the difficulties of addiction and can help you find the road to recovery.

At Tampa Drug Treatment Center, our counselors have a wealth of experience with drug- and alcohol-related situations and know a variety of techniques that can be useful for people trying to overcome addiction, repair damaged relationships, and learn healthier strategies for coping with the difficulties that life can sometimes throw at you. Addiction counseling is a key part of any rehabilitation plan, and when you call today, we can work with you to create a customized treatment program that includes regular sessions with a drug abuse counselor.

Drug addiction counseling can be offered in several different ways. Clients participating in our inpatient rehabilitation programs are able to speak with a counselor on a regular basis. If you want, multiple visits can be scheduled each week, depending on your needs. Private, individual counseling sessions can help you work through difficulties in a confidential setting, but you will also have the opportunity to participate in group sessions, which offer an environment where you can draw support from others who are working through substance abuse rehabilitation and feel less alone in your struggle against addiction.

For those who are participating in outpatient care, these services are still available. A substance abuse counselor will set up appointments with you at regular intervals to provide care and understanding as well as helpful insights and strategies for staying clean and sober. Our accredited facility makes it possible for clients to personalize their treatment plans to meet their specific needs so each person can get exactly what they want and need out of rehab, whether you’re participating in an inpatient or outpatient program.

Ideally, when working with a drug abuse counselor, individuals are given the opportunity to direct the sessions themselves, delving deep into issues and concerns that they have regarding their addiction and what it takes to be successful in recovery. At the same time, a counselor is there to provide direction when certain issues or topics need to be discussed in order to educate the client and offer helpful instruction or assistance. It’s important to find a balance between being self-directed and allowing a professional to direct the sessions as they see fit.

Are you looking for drug addiction counseling but don’t know where to go? We offer several different types of therapy for clients looking to break free from the grip of drugs or alcohol. Our goal is to provide quality care that takes into consideration the needs of every individual. Board-certified doctors, nurses, and counselors on our staff create an individualized treatment plan for each patient, and they can do the same for you. If you’re ready to get started, fill out our form here or give us a call and let us provide a free clinical assessment.