How to stay sober on Thanksgiving: tips for a sober Thanksgiving Thanksgiving celebrations are traditionally filled with food, family, and a lot of stress that can make it difficult to maintain your sobriety. Family gatherings, with all their associated emotion and drama,...
Stay Strong This Holiday Season with these 10 Ways to Stay Sober During the Holidays Every year, the holiday season present a range of opportunities rife with threats to sobriety. Foraging through the emotional minefield from hallowed eve to New Years that comes with...
Prevent drug and alcohol addiction relapse this holiday season by learning how to avoid holiday addiction relapse. Recovering addicts see the signs and feel the tension as the holidays approach, and they know that they have to buckle-up to avoid an addiction...
Isolation and emotional distress are just two of the many signs of a heroin relapse It is important to understand the dangers of heroin addiction and also what the signs of a heroin addiction relapse are. Addiction to heroin causes multiple problems...
Fear of a relapse is the number one concern of most people in recovery. It is especially threatening for newly recovered addicts as is evidenced by the number of questions concerning relapse aimed at addiction specialists. Worrisome questions such as; can I...
We all have to learn how to handle triggers when they occur. Something we see or an event that happens will spark a reaction in us that might not always be suitable to the situation. But we will try and justify our...
Waking up from a stupor and realizing that your hard-won sobriety was lost is not a good feeling. Relapse makes an addict feel angry and sad because they know that they have let themself and their loved ones down. It’s one of...
It’s your worst nightmare, the word “relapse.” It conjures up so many thoughts, feelings and fears. Your loved one was doing so well with his recovery from addiction until he made that one bad decision. He woke up on the floor and...