The Concerning Connection Betwen Lack of Sleep and Substance Abuse Recent studies have shown that those who are sleep-deprived are more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol than those who get enough sleep. When an individual lacks the appropriate hours of shut-eye,...
Alcohol has More Severe Effects on Older Adults As you age, your body does not metabolize alcohol the same way it did as when you were younger. Those who are older have different health risks as it relates to alcohol consumption compared...
The Impact of Alcohol Marketing What many individuals do not know is that the alcohol advertising industry is not as regulated as one may assume. When it comes to alcohol advertisement, oftentimes, the industry is self-regulated which gives them the freedom to...
How Alcohol Negatively Affects Your Sleeping Patterns Many people come home from a long day at work and enjoy a couple of drinks but did you know that alcohol before bed can actually affect your ability to have a good nights rest?...
The Most Accessible Substance Alcohol abuse across the United States is a growing problem, as the substance is legal and easily accessible; a bad combination for those with substance abuse issues. The misuse of alcohol can quickly turn into dependence and addiction...
Why Working Out is Beneficial We all know that partaking in daily exercise is important in order to maintain a healthy weight, control blood pressure, and boost stamina, but did you know that daily exercise is just as important for your body...
Cutting Out Alcohol Boosts Skin Health When you reduce the amount of alcohol you consume or quit drinking alcohol altogether, your appearance takes a drastic turn for the better. You don’t have to suffer from alcoholism in order to endure the harsh...
Alcohol can Cause Aggression Alcohol has a different effect on everyone and while alcohol can make some people social and happy, for others, it can mean aggressive and scary behavior. Studies suggest that some individuals become confrontational when they are drinking as...
The Short and Long-Term Effects of Abusing Alcohol: Red Flags to Look For Alcohol is a widely used substance that is misused and abused by many who consume it. Alcohol abuse does not simply affect the individual who is abusing it; it...
When Casual Drinking Turns Into a Problem, It’s Time to Get Help Alcohol is the most widely abused substance across the nation due to its ease of accessibility and for the simple fact that abusing it can often go unnoticed. It’s easy...